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Why the future of free speech depends on India Timothy Garton Ash, speaking at the 2017 Jaipur Literary Festival, explains why the future of free speech depends on India.
The erosion of European journalism Caroline Lees describes the work of the European Journalism Observatory, and what it is has observed.
Is Facebook just the new chamber of commerce and Twitter the new telegraph? Political theorist Rob Reich discusses what adaptations we need as freedom of speech and association move increasingly from the offline to the online world. Can the old principles still apply in new circumstances?
Who is tracking the trackers? Use “Collusion” to find out. The debate raised by revelations of NSA surveillance has drawn our attention to how we are being tracked online. Sebastian Huempfer describes a new tool to show us how those electronic cookies crumble.
Ayreh Neier: Why free speech is important in averting atrocities Aryeh Neier, human rights lawyer and president emeritus of the Open Society Foundations speaks about the future of free speech.
Evgeny Morozov: What is the dark side of internet freedom? Author Evgeny Morozov highlights the dangers that sometimes emerge when governments and corporations harness the internet to serve their own objectives.
On Free Speech: China, India and the art of ‘Zuckering’ The second episode of FSD’s monthly podcast looks at free speech in India, internet censorship in China and Facebook’s attitude towards privacy.
柏林的Twitter墙与中国的网络防火墙 Judith Bruhn写道,2009年,由于中国博客们在柏林Twitter墙的网站潮水般地推文要求中国停止互联网审查, 中国当局封锁了柏林Twitter墙的网站。
对纳吉布•萨维里斯的审判 Jacob Amis写到,纳吉布•萨维里斯(Naguib Sawiris)由于将米老鼠米奇和米妮的卡通形象贴到微博客上,而且分别嘲弄地画上了毛茸茸的胡须和面纱,被指控为蔑视宗教。
温州动车追尾事故 2011年7月23日,两列行驶在甬台温铁路上的高速列车在东部沿海城市温州附近追尾,事故造成40人死亡,191人受伤。秦颖写道,一个星期之后几乎所有关于这次动车事故的报道都从报纸和电视媒体上消失了。