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How an attempt at ‘libel tourism’ rebounded on a Tanzanian tycoon A British citizen blogged about a Tanzanian media magnate involved in throwing her and her husband off their Tanzanian farm. He sued for libel in a British court. Dominic Burbidge explains. Why shouldn’t a Hungarian historian call Jobbik “neo-nazi”? Tamás Szigeti explores the asymmetric narrowing of free speech in Hungary. “摸老虎屁股…”肯尼亚政府反咬本国媒体 2006年,肯尼亚警方猛烈突击搜查标准集团传媒机构的办事处及印刷厂。政府害怕看到标准集团的报道吗?Dominic Burbidge深入探讨了这个有趣的案例。 导致自杀的网络欺凌 加拿大少年Amanda Todd在遭受了多年的网络欺凌和骚扰后于2012年10月10日自杀身亡。 Judith Bruhn讲述了这个令人震惊的案例。 Can the treatment of animals be compared to Nazi concentration camps? Not in Germany, said the German courts. And the European Court of Human Rights agreed. 我们有权利向政府说谎吗? 在1964年具有里程碑意味的“纽约时报诉苏利文案”中,美国最高法院裁定,对政府官员的批评,即便不是完全准确的,也必须受到保护。撰文:Jeff Howard 倾颓的第四根柱子 在新的资本主义压力下,印度媒体正处于丧失自身道德标杆的危险境地下。现在我们应当通过抵制来阻止情况的恶化,Manav Bhushan如是说。 Brazil’s online crossroads between authoritarianism and democracy Despite Brazil’s democratic accomplishments, laws used to regulate websites date from the 1960s, giving arbitrary power to the state. A proposed ‘Marco Civil da Internet’ has the capacity to change this, writes Marcos Todeschini. 一个凶手是否应该有被遗忘的权利? 在2008年,两名被定罪的的杀人犯按照德国法律要求维基百科和其他网络媒体从互联网上删除他们的名字及记录。在本例中,被人遗忘的权利是否比公众的知情权更重要? Can Google’s algorithm slander a politician’s wife? Type ‘Bettina Wulff’, the name of a former German president’s wife, into Google and the autocomplete function will add ‘escort’. Is this algorithmic addition a form of defamation? Sebastian Huempfer explores the case. Ahmed Mansoor on blogging his way into a UAE prison One of the United Arab Emirate’s most prominent human rights activists, Ahmed Mansoor was imprisoned in 2011 for criticising the country’s leadership. Here he discusses the death threats, defamation campaigns and physical attacks he continues to face for speaking his mind. 袒露上身的公爵夫人 Judith Bruhn和大家一起研究欧洲的私隐权和法院强制令是否足以挽救剑桥公爵夫人的私隐。 奥兰多·费吉斯和匿名毒舌 史学家在亚马逊网站匿名恶评对手的书籍到底有什么不妥?Katie Engelhart探讨了这出悲喜剧衍伸出来的问题。 Katalin Barsony on empowering Roma with technology Romedia Foundation aims to disseminate an insider’s view of Romani issues, empower Romani activists and challenge stereotypes through new media. 中国的人肉搜索引擎 虽然中国的人肉搜索引擎可以帮助揭露政府的腐败,但也可以用来羞辱普通市民,Judith Bruhn和大家探讨了这个问题。 Zuma and his spear A South African art gallery removed an explicit painting of President Jacob Zuma after pressure from the African National Congress, write Nimi Hoffmann and Maryam Omidi. Landmark libel bill falls short of expectations The new defamation bill fails to address some of the most important issues, including restrictions on the ability of corporations to sue for libel, writes Jonathan Heawood, director of English PEN. Journalists do not have a divine right to invade privacy Leading free speech expert Eric Barendt defends a British parliamentary report on privacy against criticisms by campaigning journalist John Kampfner. 墨西哥记者与酒鬼总统 Felipe Correa写到,墨西哥记者卡门•阿里斯特古依由于宣称该国总统是酒鬼的言论而被解雇。 德国的答辩权 德国公民享有法定权利可以在媒体上进行答辩。Maximilian Ruhenstroth-Bauer解释说,无需去法院就可以找到一条维护名誉的途径。 马科斯·莫斯利谈隐私问题 这位国际汽联前主席区分了隐私与名誉的不同,并且指出对抗国际小报的肆意爆料炒作是十分困难的。 辛格与英国整脊疗法协会的诉讼 科学作家西蒙·辛格于2008年在《卫报》撰文指出,整脊疗法号称的疗效缺乏证据,英国整脊疗法协会因此对他提出诽谤诉讼。Maryam Omidi探讨了这个案例。 对泰国国王的批评 美国博主乔·戈登在泰国被判监禁2年半,罪名是在自己的博客中链结了未经泰国国王普密蓬阿杜德授权的传记。Maryam Omidi介绍了这个案例的详情。 多米尼克·斯特劳斯-卡恩的“游街示众” 当国际货币基金组织前总裁多米尼克·斯特劳斯-卡恩被控以性侵犯纽约一家酒店的女服务员后,让他游街示众是正确的做法吗?Clementine de Montjoye认为不是。 什么是“名誉” “名誉”很难准确定义,其含义因时因地而不同。在你的国家里,“名誉”的含义是什么呢? 言论自由与隐私权 伦敦大学学院教授Eric Barendt讨论了言论自由和隐私权之间的微妙平衡。
How an attempt at ‘libel tourism’ rebounded on a Tanzanian tycoon A British citizen blogged about a Tanzanian media magnate involved in throwing her and her husband off their Tanzanian farm. He sued for libel in a British court. Dominic Burbidge explains.
Why shouldn’t a Hungarian historian call Jobbik “neo-nazi”? Tamás Szigeti explores the asymmetric narrowing of free speech in Hungary.
Can the treatment of animals be compared to Nazi concentration camps? Not in Germany, said the German courts. And the European Court of Human Rights agreed.
Brazil’s online crossroads between authoritarianism and democracy Despite Brazil’s democratic accomplishments, laws used to regulate websites date from the 1960s, giving arbitrary power to the state. A proposed ‘Marco Civil da Internet’ has the capacity to change this, writes Marcos Todeschini.
Can Google’s algorithm slander a politician’s wife? Type ‘Bettina Wulff’, the name of a former German president’s wife, into Google and the autocomplete function will add ‘escort’. Is this algorithmic addition a form of defamation? Sebastian Huempfer explores the case.
Ahmed Mansoor on blogging his way into a UAE prison One of the United Arab Emirate’s most prominent human rights activists, Ahmed Mansoor was imprisoned in 2011 for criticising the country’s leadership. Here he discusses the death threats, defamation campaigns and physical attacks he continues to face for speaking his mind.
Katalin Barsony on empowering Roma with technology Romedia Foundation aims to disseminate an insider’s view of Romani issues, empower Romani activists and challenge stereotypes through new media.
Zuma and his spear A South African art gallery removed an explicit painting of President Jacob Zuma after pressure from the African National Congress, write Nimi Hoffmann and Maryam Omidi.
Landmark libel bill falls short of expectations The new defamation bill fails to address some of the most important issues, including restrictions on the ability of corporations to sue for libel, writes Jonathan Heawood, director of English PEN.
Journalists do not have a divine right to invade privacy Leading free speech expert Eric Barendt defends a British parliamentary report on privacy against criticisms by campaigning journalist John Kampfner.
多米尼克·斯特劳斯-卡恩的“游街示众” 当国际货币基金组织前总裁多米尼克·斯特劳斯-卡恩被控以性侵犯纽约一家酒店的女服务员后,让他游街示众是正确的做法吗?Clementine de Montjoye认为不是。