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Between Islamists and secularists: debating free speech in the Arab world Sara Khorshid reports from a panel discussion that brought together former hate preachers, feminists and ordinary Arab youth to debate the limits of free speech in the new Middle East. Shirin Ebadi on the fight for free speech and human rights in Iran A transcript of our conversation with Nobel Peace Prize winner Shirin Ebadi, who spoke to Free Speech Debate about her book ‘Until We Are Free’. Nobel Laureate Shirin Ebadi: How has free speech changed in Iran? Nobel Peace Prize winner Shirin Ebadi talks to Free Speech Debate about her book Until We Are Free and the state of free speech and human rights activism in Iran. The rise and fall of free speech under Turkey’s Islamists Looking at the long sweep of the AKP’s rule, Kerem Öktem shows how the window of free speech in Turkey has closed. 言论自由大讨论2015年度精华 Neil Dullaghan总结了2015年本站收录的各种涉及言论自由的冲突和争议事件。 Why we should defend the right to be offensive Free speech can make for uncomfortable listening, argues Roger Scruton, but it needs to be defended even when it gives offence. ‘Innocence of Muslims’ and the manufacture of outrage Danyal Kazim explores the violent reaction to the YouTube video in Pakistan – starting with trying to access it from there. Charlie Hebdo cartoons: to republish or not to republish? Sarah Glatte explores the question which divided the world’s media. 法国是否在自由言论的问题上表现伪善? 在查理枪杀案的阴影下,Arthur Asseraf审视了法国殖民时代在阿尔及利亚的双重标准。 Ian McEwan on free speech and religion The celebrated English novelist on Islam’s ‘totalitarian moment’ and why freedom of expression is not religion’s enemy but its protector. 《查理周刊》正在逐渐沦为种族歧视漫画? 该杂志社受到攻击并且导致十二人死亡之后,最新一期的杂志将先知默罕默德搬上封面。Myriam Francois-Cerrah 反对这样的做法。 Religion: Sample our intellectual buffet. Or make your own meal. Timothy Garton Ash introduces a sample tour of the content on our site. Salman Rushdie: What have been the most important changes to free speech in the last 25 years? 25 years after the fatwa and the fall of the Berlin Wall, Salman Rushdie discusses with Timothy Garton Ash whether there is now more or less freedom of expression in Europe, worrying developments in India and his critical view of Edward Snowden. Should Europe introduce a right to blasphemy? Alain Bouldoires talks to Timothy Garton Ash about the survival of blasphemy laws in Europe, and calls for a ‘right to blaspheme’. 为什么耶鲁大学不出版丹麦漫画? 耶鲁大学出版社主任John Donatich为不出版Jytte Klausen书中的插图做了辩解。 Jytte Klausen: Should Yale University Press have removed images from the Danish cartoon controversy? Professor Jytte Klausen analyses and criticises Yale University Press’s decision to remove images of Muhammad from her scholarly book on the Danish cartoons controversy. Who is threatening free speech in post-revolutionary Tunisia? Middle East specialist Rory McCarthy examines the role of Islamist movement Ennahdha in shaping, and constraining, freedom of speech in Tunisia after the Arab Spring. 从穆斯林活动家到言论自由的卫士:Ahmad Akkari的故事与丹麦漫画之争议 Katie Engelhart采访了Ahmad Akkari,了解他为何在八年前掀起世界范围内的愤怒后,向他曾经攻击的丹麦漫画家道歉。 Martha Nussbaum: How can we best approach the challenge of religious difference? Legal philosopher Martha Nussbaum gave the 2013 Dahrendorf Lecture, exploring how to live with religious diversity. Taming the gods: How should we deal with religious threats to free speech? At the 2013 Jaipur Festival, Ian Buruma, Reza Aslan, Ahdaf Souief and Timothy Garton Ash, in conversation with Shoma Chaudhury, talk about the relationship between religion and politics and how to deal with religious threats to free speech. Has the Strasbourg court allowed too much for local taboos? At the European Court of Human Rights, the case of I.A. against Turkey in 2005 acted as a controversial precedent for limiting Article 10’s definition of freedom of expression in the name of religion, explains Michele Finck. 亚伯拉罕宗教信徒眼中的言论自由 伊斯兰教、基督教和犹太教经常被批评是限制言论自由的宗教。Dominic Burbidge认为可以从亚伯拉罕思想信仰体系的内部以一种完全不同的视角来审视这个问题。 William Dalrymple: Why Salman Rushdie was forced to cancel his visit to the Jaipur Literature Festival The historian and writer explains the reasoning behind author Salman Rushdie’s no-show at the 2012 Jaipur Literary Festival. Ayreh Neier: Why free speech is important in averting atrocities Aryeh Neier, human rights lawyer and president emeritus of the Open Society Foundations speaks about the future of free speech. Can theatre talk about this? How a dance theatre production addresses issues of free speech, Islam and multiculturalism. Lloyd Newson, creator of ‘Can we talk about this?’, speaks to Maryam Omidi. 吃牛肉:我的自由? 印度禁止吃牛肉的规定引起很大的争论。 Manav Bhuhshuan讨论了为什么这不但和种姓歧视有关,而且还涉及限制言论自由。 What are the biggest debates concerning Islam and free speech? FSD’s Katie Engelhart sat in on this Frontline Club debate to discuss controversy surrounding the YouTube video Innocence of Muslims. A Muslim responds to the YouTube movie – on YouTube While a Pakistani minister offers a $100,000 reward for the murder of the man who made the notorious Innocence of Muslims video, a British Muslim responds in exemplary fashion to “this imbecile named Sam Bacile”. Timothy Garton Ash commends his clip. Has Innocence of Muslims ended the innocence of YouTube? Join us to debate the role internet platforms like YouTube should play in setting free speech agendas in your country, your language and across the world. Online editor Brian Pellot kicks off the discussion. Egypt’s one-way traffic in books Historian Khaled Fahmy describes how historic Egyptian books are more easily found in Western than in Egyptian libraries – and how a scholarly history of the Middle East was recently banned from entering Egypt. 艾孜哈尔的“权力法案” 阿拉伯之春之后,一个著名伊斯兰机构的新《基本自由声明》指出,伊斯兰教法可能(或者不可能)与保障言论自由的国际准则保持一致。 Elif Shafak on our common humanity Acclaimed Turkish author Elif Shafak discusses the limits to free speech, the cosmopolitanism of her novels and the art of coexistence. 支持恐怖主义的言论有罪吗?马萨诸塞州认为有罪 Jeff Howard写到,2012年,Tarek Mehanna被美国法院判处监禁17年半,罪名是密谋支持恐怖分子。 在土耳其培养“宗教青年” İrem Kök 和Funda Üstek写到,一项新法律允许父母将孩子在更幼年的时候就送往伊斯兰学校就读,这在土耳其社会引起不同的看法。 On free speech: The fine art of activism The third episode of the On Free Speech podcast features exclusive interviews with filmmaker Nick Sturdee on the Russian art collective Voina and stand-up comedian Tom Greeves on the UK’s parody laws. 直播一场大屠杀 Jeff Howard写道,2012年3月,自封为伊斯兰圣战战士的Mohammed Merah在自己的胸前绑上了一台相机,继而在法国杀死了七人。半岛电视台决定于不播出这段画面。 对宗教的侮辱 三位人权法专家审视了侮辱宗教的问题——他们认为这种指控的缺陷在于保护了信仰而不是往往较易受伤害的信仰者。 Does Salman Rushdie exist? “The one thing not at issue in the Jaipur controversy was some theologically motivated attack on the freedom of expression,” writes historian Faisal Devji. 自由言论和仇恨言论间的伊斯兰教 伊朗阿訇Mohsen Kadivar认为应当废除对叛教者处以死刑,但亵渎宗教仍是一种犯罪,应立法禁止。 伊尔莎.曼吉论安拉、自由和爱 “道德勇气项目”的主管伊尔莎.曼吉指出,对穆斯林的所谓“尊重”往往和对实践穆斯林信仰的人“有较低期望“并存。 欧洲和中东能够就言论自由的原则达成共识吗? 蒂莫西•加顿艾什在埃及ANU大学的演讲。 对纳吉布•萨维里斯的审判 Jacob Amis写到,纳吉布•萨维里斯(Naguib Sawiris)由于将米老鼠米奇和米妮的卡通形象贴到微博客上,而且分别嘲弄地画上了毛茸茸的胡须和面纱,被指控为蔑视宗教。 一位沙特博主亵渎宗教的推文 Brian Pellot写到,在2012年2月,沙特阿拉伯作家哈姆扎•卡什加(Hamza Kashgari)面临一项审判,指控他在微博上侮辱了先知默罕默德。 巴基斯坦的渎神法和暴力 在2009年,巴基斯坦的基督教女教徒比比(Aasia Bibi)被指控亵渎神灵。两Ayyaz Mallick写到,两年后,要求检讨她的案件的州长被人杀害了。 基尔特·威尔德斯受审 2011年,荷兰右翼政客威尔德斯被控集体诽谤、煽动仇恨和歧视穆斯林。指控最后都不成立。Rutger Kaput回顾了这个案例。 不再有神圣了?宗教与言论自由 应“达伦多夫自由研究计划”的邀请,持无神论的哲学家A C Grayling、信仰基督教的记者Charles Moore与兼为科学家何伊玛目的Usama Hasan对宗教与言论自由展开了激烈辩论。
From censorship by government to censorship by terrorism Paul Cliteur and Tom Herrenberg, editors of a book on The Fall and Rise of Blasphemy Law, consider the changing nature of censorship.
Between Islamists and secularists: debating free speech in the Arab world Sara Khorshid reports from a panel discussion that brought together former hate preachers, feminists and ordinary Arab youth to debate the limits of free speech in the new Middle East.
Shirin Ebadi on the fight for free speech and human rights in Iran A transcript of our conversation with Nobel Peace Prize winner Shirin Ebadi, who spoke to Free Speech Debate about her book ‘Until We Are Free’.
Nobel Laureate Shirin Ebadi: How has free speech changed in Iran? Nobel Peace Prize winner Shirin Ebadi talks to Free Speech Debate about her book Until We Are Free and the state of free speech and human rights activism in Iran.
The rise and fall of free speech under Turkey’s Islamists Looking at the long sweep of the AKP’s rule, Kerem Öktem shows how the window of free speech in Turkey has closed.
Why we should defend the right to be offensive Free speech can make for uncomfortable listening, argues Roger Scruton, but it needs to be defended even when it gives offence.
‘Innocence of Muslims’ and the manufacture of outrage Danyal Kazim explores the violent reaction to the YouTube video in Pakistan – starting with trying to access it from there.
Charlie Hebdo cartoons: to republish or not to republish? Sarah Glatte explores the question which divided the world’s media.
Ian McEwan on free speech and religion The celebrated English novelist on Islam’s ‘totalitarian moment’ and why freedom of expression is not religion’s enemy but its protector.
Religion: Sample our intellectual buffet. Or make your own meal. Timothy Garton Ash introduces a sample tour of the content on our site.
Salman Rushdie: What have been the most important changes to free speech in the last 25 years? 25 years after the fatwa and the fall of the Berlin Wall, Salman Rushdie discusses with Timothy Garton Ash whether there is now more or less freedom of expression in Europe, worrying developments in India and his critical view of Edward Snowden.
Should Europe introduce a right to blasphemy? Alain Bouldoires talks to Timothy Garton Ash about the survival of blasphemy laws in Europe, and calls for a ‘right to blaspheme’.
Jytte Klausen: Should Yale University Press have removed images from the Danish cartoon controversy? Professor Jytte Klausen analyses and criticises Yale University Press’s decision to remove images of Muhammad from her scholarly book on the Danish cartoons controversy.
Who is threatening free speech in post-revolutionary Tunisia? Middle East specialist Rory McCarthy examines the role of Islamist movement Ennahdha in shaping, and constraining, freedom of speech in Tunisia after the Arab Spring.
从穆斯林活动家到言论自由的卫士:Ahmad Akkari的故事与丹麦漫画之争议 Katie Engelhart采访了Ahmad Akkari,了解他为何在八年前掀起世界范围内的愤怒后,向他曾经攻击的丹麦漫画家道歉。
Martha Nussbaum: How can we best approach the challenge of religious difference? Legal philosopher Martha Nussbaum gave the 2013 Dahrendorf Lecture, exploring how to live with religious diversity.
Taming the gods: How should we deal with religious threats to free speech? At the 2013 Jaipur Festival, Ian Buruma, Reza Aslan, Ahdaf Souief and Timothy Garton Ash, in conversation with Shoma Chaudhury, talk about the relationship between religion and politics and how to deal with religious threats to free speech.
Has the Strasbourg court allowed too much for local taboos? At the European Court of Human Rights, the case of I.A. against Turkey in 2005 acted as a controversial precedent for limiting Article 10’s definition of freedom of expression in the name of religion, explains Michele Finck.
William Dalrymple: Why Salman Rushdie was forced to cancel his visit to the Jaipur Literature Festival The historian and writer explains the reasoning behind author Salman Rushdie’s no-show at the 2012 Jaipur Literary Festival.
Ayreh Neier: Why free speech is important in averting atrocities Aryeh Neier, human rights lawyer and president emeritus of the Open Society Foundations speaks about the future of free speech.
Can theatre talk about this? How a dance theatre production addresses issues of free speech, Islam and multiculturalism. Lloyd Newson, creator of ‘Can we talk about this?’, speaks to Maryam Omidi.
What are the biggest debates concerning Islam and free speech? FSD’s Katie Engelhart sat in on this Frontline Club debate to discuss controversy surrounding the YouTube video Innocence of Muslims.
A Muslim responds to the YouTube movie – on YouTube While a Pakistani minister offers a $100,000 reward for the murder of the man who made the notorious Innocence of Muslims video, a British Muslim responds in exemplary fashion to “this imbecile named Sam Bacile”. Timothy Garton Ash commends his clip.
Has Innocence of Muslims ended the innocence of YouTube? Join us to debate the role internet platforms like YouTube should play in setting free speech agendas in your country, your language and across the world. Online editor Brian Pellot kicks off the discussion.
Egypt’s one-way traffic in books Historian Khaled Fahmy describes how historic Egyptian books are more easily found in Western than in Egyptian libraries – and how a scholarly history of the Middle East was recently banned from entering Egypt.
Elif Shafak on our common humanity Acclaimed Turkish author Elif Shafak discusses the limits to free speech, the cosmopolitanism of her novels and the art of coexistence.
On free speech: The fine art of activism The third episode of the On Free Speech podcast features exclusive interviews with filmmaker Nick Sturdee on the Russian art collective Voina and stand-up comedian Tom Greeves on the UK’s parody laws.
Does Salman Rushdie exist? “The one thing not at issue in the Jaipur controversy was some theologically motivated attack on the freedom of expression,” writes historian Faisal Devji.
对纳吉布•萨维里斯的审判 Jacob Amis写到,纳吉布•萨维里斯(Naguib Sawiris)由于将米老鼠米奇和米妮的卡通形象贴到微博客上,而且分别嘲弄地画上了毛茸茸的胡须和面纱,被指控为蔑视宗教。
不再有神圣了?宗教与言论自由 应“达伦多夫自由研究计划”的邀请,持无神论的哲学家A C Grayling、信仰基督教的记者Charles Moore与兼为科学家何伊玛目的Usama Hasan对宗教与言论自由展开了激烈辩论。