按类别查看 'Copyright' 包含 55 发布内容 menu按关键词查找 Academia (2)Access (20)Africa (6)Anonymity (10)Antisemitism (1)Arab Spring (5)Art (13)Article 19 (2)Atheism (2)Australia (2)Blasphemy (16)Blogger (6)Books (1)Brazil (3)Buddhism (1)Burma (1)Canada (3)Celebrity (5)Censorship (36)Charlie Hebdo (2)Child abuse (1)China (18)Christianity (15)Civility (32)Colonialism (1)Copyright (11)Corruption (2)Defamation (26)Democracy (27)Denialism (4)Denmark (2)Discrimination (6)Education (19)Egypt (5)Europe (2)Exclusion (1)Facebook (7)Film (1)Finland (1)France (5)Freedom (36)Genocide (2)Germany (9)Google (4)Governance (13)Hate speech (18)Hinduism (1)History (17)Homosexuality (4)Humour (3)Hungary (1)Hunger strike (1)India (10)Internet (46)Internet companies (1)Iran (1)Islam (20)Italy (1)Japan (2)Journalism (27)Kenya (2)Knowledge (26)Language (9)Latin America (5)Law (47)Lese majesty (1)Liberalism (11)Literature (2)Media (42)Memory laws (1)Middle East (9)Minorities (2)Money (18)Morality (8)Multiculturalism (6)National security (38)Net neutrality (16)Netherlands (3)Nudity (4)Occupy movement (1)Open source (2)Pakistan (3)Philippines (1)Piracy (3)Poland (1)Politics (58)Pornography (8)Power (49)Privacy (20)Protest (21)Public Morality (23)Radio (1)Regulation (4)Religion (29)Reputation (16)Right to information (45)Russia (2)Satire (13)Saudi Arabia (1)Science (10)Scientology (1)Secrecy (1)Singapore (2)Social media (13)South Africa (4)Southeast Asia (3)Sport (2)Surveillance (4)Syria (2)Technology (19)Terrorism (5)Thailand (1)Turkey (4)Twitter (10)United Kingdom (14)United States (16)Violence (26)Whistleblowing (3)Wikileaks (2)Wikipedia (3)Yemen (1)YouTube (1) Can a book be too dangerous for the public? Sebastian Huempfer examines the tortured controversy around republication of a copyright-free Mein Kampf in Germany. Italy and the law on denialism Luigi Cajani explains how Italy’s draft law on the denial of international crimes minimises the impact on intellectual freedom. John Naughton: Are private superpowers a threat to free speech? John Naughton discusses the state of the internet, net neutrality and private companies. Has Demotix democratised journalism? Demotix founder Turi Munthe discusses the role of citizen journalism and Demotix in today’s media environment. Is Facebook just the new chamber of commerce and Twitter the new telegraph? Political theorist Rob Reich discusses what adaptations we need as freedom of speech and association move increasingly from the offline to the online world. Can the old principles still apply in new circumstances? The Copyright Alert System: coming to a home near you? The question of how best to respond to the unauthorised dissemination of copyright-protected expression over the internet has long troubled copyright owners. But the proposed solution of a Copyright Alert could potentially erode free speech, writes Graham Reynolds. Scholarly publication in (slow) transition to open access Academic ‘open access’ journals make articles freely available and the dissemination of knowledge and citation easier. However, the pace of change is slow, writes Cristobal Cobo. Is the ‘hands-off’ internet different to internet freedom? At the invitation of Index of Censorship and the Editors Guild of India, Timothy Garton Ash joins Kirsty Hughes at a panel discussion in Delhi with Shri Ajit Balakrishnan, Shri Sunil Abraham and Ramajit Singh Chima. 开放存取的学术期刊:采纳金色模式? 学术出版的世界目前面临抉择:公家机关要求政府补助的研究应该开放给民众查阅。 Dominic Burbidge探讨了这其中有哪些难处。 Eli Dourado: Why is anonymity important in ensuring transparency in international telecommunications? The WCITLeaks.org co-founder discusses how anonymous uploads to his website are shedding light on the upcoming World Conference on International Telecommunications. Amelia Andersdotter: Why the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement is dangerous The Swedish Pirate Party’s outspoken MEP explains why the European Parliament overwhelmingly rejected the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement in July and discusses WCIT, the internet’s next four-letter foe. 奥兰多·费吉斯和匿名毒舌 史学家在亚马逊网站匿名恶评对手的书籍到底有什么不妥?Katie Engelhart探讨了这出悲喜剧衍伸出来的问题。 科学期刊开放取用如何帮助发展中国家 Jorge L Contreras认为,开放取用模式对科学资讯传播有重要的影响,但对发展中国家的影响仍是个未知数。 Ukraine: a raiders’ state Ukrainian cultural journals have become the target of “raiders” – shady groups working on behalf of powerful interests who use bogus property claims to close down businesses, says Mykola Riabchuk. On Free Speech: The power of the web This latest episode looks at the ethics of hacktivism, crowdsourcing in war zones and the right of Christians in the UK to wear the cross at work. Does ACTA threaten online freedom of expression & privacy? An academic, an NGO worker, a Member of European Parliament and an activist go head-to-head on the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement. ACTA & the internet: freedom of expression & privacy Join Free Speech Debate and ARTICLE 19 in London on Thursday 3 May for a panel discussion on the impact of ACTA on global free expression ACTA: 秘密达成的公开协议? 各方遮遮掩掩地对《反假冒贸易协议》这一富有争议的法案进行谈判,Graham Reynolds认为这样做限制了公众挑战对自由表达所做的限制的能力。 德国立法有可能阻碍信息自由传播 Maximilian Ruhenstroth-Bauer写道,德国版权附加收费草案将强制如”谷歌新闻”这样的新闻聚合商,当它们提供德国报纸上的新闻条目的链接时,需要向该出版商支付费用。 麦康瑞:《联网者的认同》 ”全球之声“的联合创办人论政府、网络公司和公民之间的连接。 盗版党主席内尔斯谈反仿冒貿易協定(ACTA) 德国盗版党(German Pirate Party)谈反仿冒貿易協定(ACTA)、被遗忘的自由和德国的盗版状况。 吉米·威尔士出席“言论自由大讨论”启动典礼 错过了我们的项目启动典礼?这是言论自由大讨论项目主任Timothy Garton Ash教授和维基百科创始人吉米·威尔士(Jimmy Wales)在启动典礼上对反网络盗版法案、默罕默德漫画等的对话。此前一天,维基解密刚刚下线24小时抗议美国的反盗版法。 理查德·斯托曼论自由软件 自由软件运动的创始人和精神领袖理查德·斯托曼(Richard Stallman),接受我们的采访,谈互联网巨头Google、Facebook以及知识共享(Creative Commons)和互联网自由。 《阻止网络盗版法》 美国众议院正在审议《阻止网络盗版法》。Brian Pellot介绍了该法案一旦通过可能造成的种种后果。
Can a book be too dangerous for the public? Sebastian Huempfer examines the tortured controversy around republication of a copyright-free Mein Kampf in Germany.
Italy and the law on denialism Luigi Cajani explains how Italy’s draft law on the denial of international crimes minimises the impact on intellectual freedom.
John Naughton: Are private superpowers a threat to free speech? John Naughton discusses the state of the internet, net neutrality and private companies.
Has Demotix democratised journalism? Demotix founder Turi Munthe discusses the role of citizen journalism and Demotix in today’s media environment.
Is Facebook just the new chamber of commerce and Twitter the new telegraph? Political theorist Rob Reich discusses what adaptations we need as freedom of speech and association move increasingly from the offline to the online world. Can the old principles still apply in new circumstances?
The Copyright Alert System: coming to a home near you? The question of how best to respond to the unauthorised dissemination of copyright-protected expression over the internet has long troubled copyright owners. But the proposed solution of a Copyright Alert could potentially erode free speech, writes Graham Reynolds.
Scholarly publication in (slow) transition to open access Academic ‘open access’ journals make articles freely available and the dissemination of knowledge and citation easier. However, the pace of change is slow, writes Cristobal Cobo.
Is the ‘hands-off’ internet different to internet freedom? At the invitation of Index of Censorship and the Editors Guild of India, Timothy Garton Ash joins Kirsty Hughes at a panel discussion in Delhi with Shri Ajit Balakrishnan, Shri Sunil Abraham and Ramajit Singh Chima.
Eli Dourado: Why is anonymity important in ensuring transparency in international telecommunications? The WCITLeaks.org co-founder discusses how anonymous uploads to his website are shedding light on the upcoming World Conference on International Telecommunications.
Amelia Andersdotter: Why the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement is dangerous The Swedish Pirate Party’s outspoken MEP explains why the European Parliament overwhelmingly rejected the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement in July and discusses WCIT, the internet’s next four-letter foe.
Ukraine: a raiders’ state Ukrainian cultural journals have become the target of “raiders” – shady groups working on behalf of powerful interests who use bogus property claims to close down businesses, says Mykola Riabchuk.
On Free Speech: The power of the web This latest episode looks at the ethics of hacktivism, crowdsourcing in war zones and the right of Christians in the UK to wear the cross at work.
Does ACTA threaten online freedom of expression & privacy? An academic, an NGO worker, a Member of European Parliament and an activist go head-to-head on the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement.
ACTA & the internet: freedom of expression & privacy Join Free Speech Debate and ARTICLE 19 in London on Thursday 3 May for a panel discussion on the impact of ACTA on global free expression
德国立法有可能阻碍信息自由传播 Maximilian Ruhenstroth-Bauer写道,德国版权附加收费草案将强制如”谷歌新闻”这样的新闻聚合商,当它们提供德国报纸上的新闻条目的链接时,需要向该出版商支付费用。
吉米·威尔士出席“言论自由大讨论”启动典礼 错过了我们的项目启动典礼?这是言论自由大讨论项目主任Timothy Garton Ash教授和维基百科创始人吉米·威尔士(Jimmy Wales)在启动典礼上对反网络盗版法案、默罕默德漫画等的对话。此前一天,维基解密刚刚下线24小时抗议美国的反盗版法。
理查德·斯托曼论自由软件 自由软件运动的创始人和精神领袖理查德·斯托曼(Richard Stallman),接受我们的采访,谈互联网巨头Google、Facebook以及知识共享(Creative Commons)和互联网自由。