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Giles Fraser: What can Christianity teach us about free speech? Giles Fraser, commentator and Anglican priest, talks with Declan Johnston about the relationship between free speech and religion, and the Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris. Ian McEwan on free speech and religion The celebrated English novelist on Islam’s ‘totalitarian moment’ and why freedom of expression is not religion’s enemy but its protector. Religion: Sample our intellectual buffet. Or make your own meal. Timothy Garton Ash introduces a sample tour of the content on our site. Should Europe introduce a right to blasphemy? Alain Bouldoires talks to Timothy Garton Ash about the survival of blasphemy laws in Europe, and calls for a ‘right to blaspheme’. I enjoyed the Book of Mormon musical. Now for the Book of Islam? The Mormons reacted brilliantly to the musical satirising their faith, but something important is lost when we treat religions so differently – writes Katie Engelhart. Jesus Christ Superstar? Not in Rostov, Russia The Russian parliament’s vote in support of a declaration against acts offending religious sentiments is symptomatic of worrying trends, write Olga Shvarova and Dominic Burbidge. 欧洲人权法院只是在捍卫无争议的问题? 一个著名的奥地利政府审查案凸显了政府倾向于满足大多数人的要求,而使一些有争议的观点得不到保护。作者:Michele Finck。 Taming the gods: How should we deal with religious threats to free speech? At the 2013 Jaipur Festival, Ian Buruma, Reza Aslan, Ahdaf Souief and Timothy Garton Ash, in conversation with Shoma Chaudhury, talk about the relationship between religion and politics and how to deal with religious threats to free speech. 亚伯拉罕宗教信徒眼中的言论自由 伊斯兰教、基督教和犹太教经常被批评是限制言论自由的宗教。Dominic Burbidge认为可以从亚伯拉罕思想信仰体系的内部以一种完全不同的视角来审视这个问题。 What are the biggest debates concerning Islam and free speech? FSD’s Katie Engelhart sat in on this Frontline Club debate to discuss controversy surrounding the YouTube video Innocence of Muslims. Has Innocence of Muslims ended the innocence of YouTube? Join us to debate the role internet platforms like YouTube should play in setting free speech agendas in your country, your language and across the world. Online editor Brian Pellot kicks off the discussion. Russia’s convergence of church and state Olga Shvarova argues that Russian officials used the Orthodox Church as a political pawn to reinforce their own power during the Pussy Riot trial. 艾孜哈尔的“权力法案” 阿拉伯之春之后,一个著名伊斯兰机构的新《基本自由声明》指出,伊斯兰教法可能(或者不可能)与保障言论自由的国际准则保持一致。 暴动小猫、普京治下的俄罗斯以及东正教会 朋克乐队”暴动小猫“在莫斯科一家教会的反普京表演是“仇恨宗教的流氓行为”还是“艺术地表达政治立场”? Olga Shvarova讨论了这个案例。 韦斯特博罗浸信会:自由言论的权利? Casey Selwyn写到,美国最高法院在2011年裁定,反同性恋教会有权在军事葬礼上抗议。 On Free Speech: The power of the web This latest episode looks at the ethics of hacktivism, crowdsourcing in war zones and the right of Christians in the UK to wear the cross at work. 在美国学校教授神创论 Casey Selwyn写到,田纳西州的一部新法律将允许教师同时教授神创论和进化论。 基督徒在工作时能否佩戴十字架 Dominic Burbridge写到,两名基督教妇女把在工作场所佩戴十字架的斗争打到了欧洲人权法院。 对宗教的侮辱 三位人权法专家审视了侮辱宗教的问题——他们认为这种指控的缺陷在于保护了信仰而不是往往较易受伤害的信仰者。 反对同性恋的布道者 2001年10月,福音派基督教传教者哈里·哈蒙德举着写有“停止不道德行为,停止同性恋行为,停止女同性恋主义” 的标语牌进行示威。他拒绝停止示威并被警察逮捕。Timothy Garton Ash讨论了这个富有启发性的案例。 On Free Speech: China, India and the art of ‘Zuckering’ The second episode of FSD’s monthly podcast looks at free speech in India, internet censorship in China and Facebook’s attitude towards privacy. 马克·汤普森谈BBC与宗教 BBC的总裁解释为什么他们播放《Jerry Springer: The Opera》,并讨论对基督教和伊斯兰的不同回应。 Jerry Springer和亵渎罪 2005年1月,基督教团体抗议BBC电视台播放“Jerry Springer: The Opera”这档节目。Maryam Omidi将讨论BBC播这档节目的决定是否正确。 波兰流行歌星嘲笑圣经 2010年,波兰女歌手Doda说她认为恐龙的可信度比圣经的创世故事更高,结果被控“冒犯宗教感情”。Annabelle Chapman讨论了这个案例。 尿液基督 自从1987年,艺术家安德里斯·塞拉诺的作品《尿液基督》——一个塑胶的十字架在充满尿液的罐子里——就引起不同的意见。2011年4月,作品在蓝贝尔艺术馆被人毁坏。Katie Engelhart 将讨论艺术馆应否展出这个作品。 不再有神圣了?宗教与言论自由 应“达伦多夫自由研究计划”的邀请,持无神论的哲学家A C Grayling、信仰基督教的记者Charles Moore与兼为科学家何伊玛目的Usama Hasan对宗教与言论自由展开了激烈辩论。
Russia’s law on offending religious feelings Helen Haft examines the case of a blogger prosecuted after an online argument and its implications for Russian free speech.
‘Lee Kuan Yew is Finally Dead!’ blogger prosecuted Julian Simmons examines a Singaporean’s expletive-laden video on the recently deceased leader and his conviction for wounding religious feelings.
Giles Fraser: What can Christianity teach us about free speech? Giles Fraser, commentator and Anglican priest, talks with Declan Johnston about the relationship between free speech and religion, and the Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris.
Ian McEwan on free speech and religion The celebrated English novelist on Islam’s ‘totalitarian moment’ and why freedom of expression is not religion’s enemy but its protector.
Religion: Sample our intellectual buffet. Or make your own meal. Timothy Garton Ash introduces a sample tour of the content on our site.
Should Europe introduce a right to blasphemy? Alain Bouldoires talks to Timothy Garton Ash about the survival of blasphemy laws in Europe, and calls for a ‘right to blaspheme’.
I enjoyed the Book of Mormon musical. Now for the Book of Islam? The Mormons reacted brilliantly to the musical satirising their faith, but something important is lost when we treat religions so differently – writes Katie Engelhart.
Jesus Christ Superstar? Not in Rostov, Russia The Russian parliament’s vote in support of a declaration against acts offending religious sentiments is symptomatic of worrying trends, write Olga Shvarova and Dominic Burbidge.
Taming the gods: How should we deal with religious threats to free speech? At the 2013 Jaipur Festival, Ian Buruma, Reza Aslan, Ahdaf Souief and Timothy Garton Ash, in conversation with Shoma Chaudhury, talk about the relationship between religion and politics and how to deal with religious threats to free speech.
What are the biggest debates concerning Islam and free speech? FSD’s Katie Engelhart sat in on this Frontline Club debate to discuss controversy surrounding the YouTube video Innocence of Muslims.
Has Innocence of Muslims ended the innocence of YouTube? Join us to debate the role internet platforms like YouTube should play in setting free speech agendas in your country, your language and across the world. Online editor Brian Pellot kicks off the discussion.
Russia’s convergence of church and state Olga Shvarova argues that Russian officials used the Orthodox Church as a political pawn to reinforce their own power during the Pussy Riot trial.
On Free Speech: The power of the web This latest episode looks at the ethics of hacktivism, crowdsourcing in war zones and the right of Christians in the UK to wear the cross at work.
反对同性恋的布道者 2001年10月,福音派基督教传教者哈里·哈蒙德举着写有“停止不道德行为,停止同性恋行为,停止女同性恋主义” 的标语牌进行示威。他拒绝停止示威并被警察逮捕。Timothy Garton Ash讨论了这个富有启发性的案例。
On Free Speech: China, India and the art of ‘Zuckering’ The second episode of FSD’s monthly podcast looks at free speech in India, internet censorship in China and Facebook’s attitude towards privacy.
Jerry Springer和亵渎罪 2005年1月,基督教团体抗议BBC电视台播放“Jerry Springer: The Opera”这档节目。Maryam Omidi将讨论BBC播这档节目的决定是否正确。
尿液基督 自从1987年,艺术家安德里斯·塞拉诺的作品《尿液基督》——一个塑胶的十字架在充满尿液的罐子里——就引起不同的意见。2011年4月,作品在蓝贝尔艺术馆被人毁坏。Katie Engelhart 将讨论艺术馆应否展出这个作品。
不再有神圣了?宗教与言论自由 应“达伦多夫自由研究计划”的邀请,持无神论的哲学家A C Grayling、信仰基督教的记者Charles Moore与兼为科学家何伊玛目的Usama Hasan对宗教与言论自由展开了激烈辩论。