


评论 (4)


  1. I’m not sure it’s entirely philosophically coherent, but as one of China’s leading IR intellectuals, it’s interesting to see him lay out some of his moral thinking: he’s argued for a while that if China is really to achieve greatness it “needs a model at home that can inspire people abroad” as well as exercising “moral leadership” in its international environment (see e.g. http://nyti.ms/wu9Z0u). What that actually looks like has sometimes been more elusive, but it would probably need to be a version of universalism “with Chinese characteristics”… He has what sounds like a bit of a shot at describing elements of that here. Will be a big debate for China in the decades ahead…

  2. Interesting stuff Xibai – esp his pts about the numerics/temporal nature of ethics. Is it fair to say for him universal values are emergent properties / empirically-revealed codes of behaviour? Rather than something which can be prescribed? Or have I misunderstood?

    • EH, you are correct. In his opinion, universal values are just ‘out there’, to be discovered through empirical, scientific research rather than debates.

  3. Since YouTube is inaccessible in China, I uploaded the clip to Sina Video, and it was deleted within hours. I am totally baffled because Yan Xuetong is a very well-known scholar in China, and honestly I don’t see anything ‘sensitive’ in the video that would warrant such sanction.




