- “人的自我实现”:言论和抽象思维的能力是区分人类和其他动物的标志。如果不能表达自己的想法和感受,就无法充分实现人类个体的本性。
- “真理”:只有了解了相关的事实、看法和论据,我们才有可能获得真理。即使是错误的信息,往往也包含着些许真理,或者能够促使我们在反驳的过程中更加辨明自己的立场(参见“原则三”)。
- “良好的政治”:如果我们不能了解并自由地讨论社会中的各种观点和政策选择,就无法实现良好的自我治理,更不能有效地控制政府行为(参见“原则四”)。
- “承认差异”:我们生活在一个人与人之间的关系更加紧密的世界中。在现实中,人们生存在同一片土地上,而在虚拟世界中,人们通过互联网和移动通信设备相互联系。因此我们需要了解周围的人与自己有怎样的差异以及这种差异之所以重要的原因。开诚布公地讨论人与人之间的这种差异,而不是互相争斗,是我们学习如何在多元化的世界中生活的最佳途径(参见“原则五、二、六”)。
除此之外,还有四位针对不同地域的国际特别报告员。现任的官员分别是:联合国增进和保护见解和言论自由权问题特别报告员弗兰克·拉卢(Frank La Rue)、美洲国家组织言论自由问题特别报告员卡特琳娜·博特罗(Catalina Botero)、欧洲安全与合作组织新闻自由代表冬娅•米亚托维奇(Dunja Mijatović)以及非洲人权和人民权利委员会言论自由和信息公开特别报告员潘西·徐拉库拉(Pansy Tlakula)。
我们在上述这些宣言外还增加了一个重要的词语:有能力。理论上的言论自由固然好,但是如果你周围那些黩武的黑帮、秘密警察、伊斯兰武装或者贩毒团伙因此就要把你干掉,那么你的自由就仅仅是理论上的自由。没有互联网(为所有人争取网络接入是蒂姆•伯纳斯-李(Tim Berners-Lee)和他的万维网联盟的一大目标,参见“原则九”),媒体就会被少数寡头或财团把持(参见“原则四”),人们就无法获取足够信息,或者是因为缺乏教育以至与无法消化这些信息,从而无法清楚地表达自己的看法,这些都会限制言论自由的实现。
最后很重要的一点是, “第十九条”阐明了言论自由是无分国界的。大多数国际人权协定都有如下条款:我国政府郑重承诺,尊重我国国民(或居民)在我国国界内的某某权力。但“第十九条”说的是:“我们允许思想和信息既能在国界内传播,又能跨越国界传播!”在1948年提出这样的说法是难能可贵的。那时,国际广播尚在萌芽中,互联网的概念更是宛如科幻。今天,如果有政府要阻止信息和思想跨越国界,就得动用极端手段了。而很多政府确实正在这样做。
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I’m a little confused by the website, I wanted to start a discussion – but I’ll add to this instead.
I don’t agree with the principle. I’m a bit surprised that anyone does! here in the UK I have a wide range of legal and social bans on what I can say. These bans are quite widely accepted and the free speech debate is to some extent a tool to criticise the values held by other non-western societies. Let me give some examples:
1) Should I be free to publish information about a defendant on trial?
2) Should I be free to name a rape victim? comment on his or her behaviour? while the case is in court?
3) Can I publish research results on skin colour variation between races? [yes] Can I do the same about conginitive attributes? – not if I want a job in a UK or US University?
4) Can I question the roles of men and women in modern society? And still be allowed conduct job interviews as part of my job?
6) Can I talk openly about my religious views and evangelise?
I’m not talking about National security issues, but that we have other widely accepted, largely unchallenged laws and social rules which threaten the careers, livliehood and freedom of transgressors. I don’t think India or Arab states have more rules, just different ones.
In many cases the rules are well-meant and intended to support justice or promote admirable changes to society. But make no mistake, they stop free expression and publication of some information.
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“Join us, wherever you are, for a global conversation. Read and criticise our 10 draft principles. Explore controversial examples. Hear the thoughts of others. Have your say…”
An interesting initiative. Yet prior to embarking upon any endeavour, might it not prove prudent to precisely categorise the intention underlying the quest? As well as identifying what is, and what can be done to overcome, the greatest impediment to securing that desired accomplishment?
In this case, is discussion the goal? Or is this merely a device, deployed toward attainment of an inestimably higher value outcome? Resolution of these queries, necessitates use of questions specifically designed to identify some fundamental requirement universal to us all. That effort then applied, coalesces as a single vector. Plus, exposure of an obvious but un-addressed flaw in our physiological construction. Which has, until now, frustrated major advancement for our kind.
Q1. What is such a crusade intended to achieve?
Potentially, there are as many responses to that conundrum as there are individuals to contrive them. Yet not one of those explanations, being wholly dependant or entirely reliant on the presence of humanity, can manifest without the existence of humanity. So, might ensuring the continuation of the species constitute the common purpose pursued?
Q2. What prevents a realisation of the above?
To function effectively in reality, human appreciations have to accommodate every aspect of existence they encounter. Else-wise, conflict will ensue from that plethora of disparate ‘understandings’ arrived at through selective appraisal. This inherent constructional defect is unfortunately not correctable. But what if, once registered in collective consciousness, it could be compensated for?
Free Speech Disclaimer Prefacing All Principles Of Debate.
I, in common with all other humans (evidence for concept available on application), am not ‘plugged’ directly into reality. But rather into an ‘interpreter’ interface, whose subjective output may be genuinely mistaken for said objective experience. Consequently, what follows is but a rendition of reality together with its associated workings. Additionally, given acknowledgement of the primary principle, debate is intended to ensure that those conditions conducive to species survival are maintained. Such that an inclination to suppress open discussion, as opposed to personally forswearing involvement in it, shall signify the presence of a closed ‘comprehension’. One that will not withstand comparative testing. Being likely to unnecessarily imperil species continuance, and by extension its own possessor’s longevity. (No humans, no debatable notional constructs, invented ideologies, pseudo philosophies, or any other homo sapien-powered activity).
There are as many ways to explain a view as there are minds to interpret it. If any particular explanatory format cannot be assimilated, it is by no means the fault of an audience. All onus rests with the presenter. Who will and must, when requested, rework their mentation from as many differing perspectives as may prove necessary to achieve comprehension and reaffirmation. Truth alone is resilient to interminable debate. Which offers a clue as to why untruth is so desperate to avoid it.
“Professor states that democracy “always needs debate” and that the debate “plays its role” better if there are less limitations of free speech.”
An opportunity once presented itself to ask a politician, if he considered it vital for someone in his position to possess a firm grasp of reality. He replied in the affirmative. The next query concerned whether he believed in democracy. His response confirmed that he did. When questioned as to what democracy was, he stated fairness. This prompted pointing out that a dictionary defines democracy as, “government of the people, by the people, for the people”. Or policy selection via majority mandate. So was expressing belief in something when one didn’t know what that something was, evidence of a firm grasp of reality? Sadly he was unable to spare time to even make an excuse, before fleeing.
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Adding ‘and able’ is a serious error. It opens the door to State intervention in the name of promoting freedom of expression which, as night follows day, will end up restricting it. No state willingly expends resources on promoting free speech without trying to stipulate the kinds of speech that its resources can be used for.
Just listen to the politicians who insist that the right of free speech must be exercised responsibly. A fundamental right of free speech that protects only ‘responsible’ speech protects nothing worth having. Once those politicians are expending state funds to provide our internet connections the rest is inevitable.
Please stick to the 1948 wording. For the internet, it cannot be bettered.
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Cannot be bettered, that is, other than by the US 1st Amendment.
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¿Cómo podemos cambiar el instinto de nuestro genoma?
¿Por qué la condición humana está tan lejos de la declaración de derechos humanos?
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I totally agree with this statement, I believe that every person should be able to express their self, I believe that every person has a purpose in life, if you look around you everything has a purpose, the trees have a purpose, the birds have a purpose, all the animals have a purpose, so human beings surely have a purpose, and the wise man is he who finds his or her life’s purpose. Human Beings have two ears, and a tongue, to hear as twice as you speak is a good thing, this helps you learn more in order to interact properly. Without communication nothing would happen, so people must communicate and be able to express their selves freely
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Yes, we’re all humans, we make up the basic unit of society and therefore in order for society to be free, each individual within the society must also be allowed to be free.
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The idea of freedom as a right is quite strange because the concept of a right in itself is a myth. A right is simply a metaphysical idea that doesn’t protect one against anything. Of everything that happens there is only what comes to pass. If someone is arrested for assault it is not the right of the victim that is protected but simply the will of the government to punish. Should we have freedom? It would be nice but not our right.
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I’ve read recently an interview given by Professor Timothy Garton Ash for Polish magazine “Polityka” – titled “Dangerous Speech” but devoted to wider spectrum of free-speech-debate matters. Among other interesting statements, with majority of which I agree, Professor states that democracy “always needs debate” and that the debate “plays its role” better if there are less limitations of free speech. But what is this role to play – that is my question. Debate is considered a key attribute of democracy, but maybe sometimes is treated as democracy’s Sacred Cow. Is it really enough if only debate exists and continues in free and civilized manner? I’m skeptical about this. If debate hasn’t any other aim than exchange of thinking, one can expect its running wild and becoming useless (another danger for participants: GBS stated that in an exchange of thinking transaction he usually was the loser). I think that the most important factor essential for democracy as a system of majority rules, making debate sound, is a debate final aim: taking a decision by ballot, just by debating body. There is an opinion that natural extension – or rather 2.0 Variant – of the first watchword of modern democracy “no taxation without representation” is the formula “no obeying a decision without to vote on it” that can be fulfilled via Internet. I agree with this opinion, and I’m convinced that in this century cybernetic assisted direct democracy, with truly fruitful debates, will become real. More arguments in my article “Cyberdemocracy as a future product of political systems engineering” http://www.sapub.org/journal/search.aspx?doi=10.5923/j.fs.20110101.02.
Andrzej Kaczmarczyk
Institute of Mathematical Machines, Warsaw, Poland
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I highly agree with this principle, and I understand how the others branch of from this one. Therefore, it is a vital one to discuss and gain a better understanding about. Personal opinions and ideas is what shapes each person as an individual and without these the world would be an extremely uniform and monotonous place. Therefore it is crucial to be able to express and communicate these ideas, even when others do not agree. Of course I admit that this is unfortunately not always the case. But as stated, we need to have the power to be able to express as well as the will. This begins by appreciating what others have to say and at the same time having the ability to accept that your own opinion is just as good as any.
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Thanks for this brilliant introduction to the topic. I especially appreciate to stress the signifier ‘able’ in the principle as I think that the question of power even far outweighs (!) the question of law.
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Hi everyone, I’m the first who comments in this section. On the one hand, I do not understand how such a site is deserted by all who have the desire to communicate and share their thoughts with anyone, freely, but soon after, I realize that everything the web has fallen upon us with a so quickly that we do not have a clear vision of what the web, or what is the chance to express themselves freely. Freedom from whom? The concept of freedom is so far away that it is difficult and self-talk. Personally, I hope for a worldwide deployment of this platform to be, regardless of whether they agree on one or more themes.
Thanks for the idea and the opportunity.