这家网路零售商因为贩卖以恐怖和暴力为主题的电子书而遭批评。 Jo Glanville认为,没有人可以管我们读什么。
亚马逊反覆的说词自然更难抵挡外界压力。网站针对不良信息(offensive material)的说明如下:“我们对冒犯性读物的定义,应该符合你的期待”。这简直和50年前,美国最高法院对腥膻色情书刊所做的审判一样有帮助: “我看了就知道是不是”。这种模棱两可的说词也许是扩展了言论自由,但是也意味着,当大家以伦理为由表达愤慨不满时,亚马逊很难站得住脚。
为了保障线上言论自由,更明确的说明的确很有必要,而且也要包含冒犯性题材的说明解释。期待网路书商和出版社兼管作品品味是否得宜,事实上也会引入 不负责的主观审查制度。畅销的情色书《格雷的五十道阴影》,最早来自同人小说网站,在出版电子书后,反响热烈,才发行纸本书。但是此书当初也有可能因为这类主观的审查而无法成功出版,这世界也会因此少了这个师奶情色文学的飨宴。
六七十年代有名的猥亵审判很少真的在捍卫伟大的文学——不管内容品质如何,真正受威胁的是言论自由。著名的作家兼律师约翰•莫蒂默(John Mortimer,为当时几件著名的妨害风化案辩护过)过世前不久在受《检审目录》访问时,回想到他为Oz杂志做的有名辩护:一期由学生编辑的Oz杂志因涉及性活跃的鲁珀特熊的卡通,于1971年 遭起诉触犯妨害风化条例。莫蒂默跟我说:“我们不是在捍卫(此杂志的)任何优点,而是在捍卫原则。我认为,不应该有检审制度。没有人可以指使你阅读或书 写。这是你自己的决定。”他深信这个原则在新的时代受到了威胁。
三年前,一公务员曾因为在线上发表对呛女生合唱团(Girls Aloud)的暴力性幻想而被控违反淫亵刊物条例(the Obscene Publications Act);出版内容描述强暴虐杀此流行团体的成员——这种内容几乎没有文学价值可言,但是幻想无罪。被告被宣判无罪,这个明智的判决并未停止争议和道德恐慌——政府也助长了这一趋势。
Jo Glanville 是《查禁目录》杂志(Index on Censorship)的编辑。
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It is very absurd to speak about danger materials belongs to Amazon while all other dangerous internet sites like pornography exist and easily available for anyone in the internet. When it comes to other dangerous sites like redtube or youporn or anything which inside’s are extremely harmful, no problem. No one judges these sites or materials which available in the market. When it comes to books which covers the obscenity or erotic, it would be matter. That’s absurd in our century.
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Should the owners of tv and radio stations and the Press be held accountable in law for advertising that contains false claims and untruthful information about advertised products and services? Absolutely!
Should publishers be held accountable for printing objectionable material? Absolutely not! — unless it is actionable on grounds of libel, for example.
Should publishers be held accountable in law for publishing ways of making poisons or explosives, for example? Absolutely!
We must make a distinction between opinions, ideas, etc. and ways of harming others.
If we adopt a very free and liberal policy towards the dissemination of ideas, beliefs, opinions, theories, customs, practices, no matter how unusual or bizarre, or even frightening, we help to create criteria of taste and worth and truth against which to judge them as beneficial and civilizing, as good or bad; and we help to strengthen our minds and build on the foundations of criticism, which is one of the five pillars of Civilization.