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How Turkey’s imagination was censored during the Olympics During the closing ceremony of the 2012 London Olympics, a Turkish National TV presenter censored John Lennon’s song Imagine. FSD team member Funda Ustek discusses how Turkey is trying to eliminate its citizens’ ability to imagine a world without religion.
Turkey’s new reform bill The Turkish government has proposed a bill that will suspend all media offences committed before December 2011. But will the draft law actually improve press freedom, asks Funda Ustek.
YouTube in Turkey YouTube was banned for three years in Turkey on the grounds that certain videos were insulting to Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the modern republic’s founder, or to “Turkishness”, write Funda Ustek and Irem Kok.
一位民族英雄的私生活 Irem Kok和Funda Ustek写到,一部把土耳其共和国的缔造者凯末尔•阿塔土克(Kemal Atatürk)描述成“醉酒伤风败俗之人”的纪录片似乎成了对“土耳其民族性”的抨击。
土耳其记者西克和赛纳 Funda Ustek 和 Irem Kok写到,2011年3月,两位著名的新闻调查记者艾哈迈德•西克和纳迪姆•赛纳因被指控与恐怖主义组织有关系而在土耳其被捕。如果他们被宣判有罪,将面临15年监禁。