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Can a book be too dangerous for the public? Sebastian Huempfer examines the tortured controversy around republication of a copyright-free Mein Kampf in Germany.
Germans are not especially concerned about privacy and sovereignty Nazi past? Stasi past? Sebastian Huempfer challenges the conventional explanations for Germany’s strong reaction to Edward Snowden’s revelations about NSA snooping.
Who is tracking the trackers? Use “Collusion” to find out. The debate raised by revelations of NSA surveillance has drawn our attention to how we are being tracked online. Sebastian Huempfer describes a new tool to show us how those electronic cookies crumble.
Can Google’s algorithm slander a politician’s wife? Type ‘Bettina Wulff’, the name of a former German president’s wife, into Google and the autocomplete function will add ‘escort’. Is this algorithmic addition a form of defamation? Sebastian Huempfer explores the case.