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Facebook: the empire on which the sun never sets The world is blue. Compare how Facebook has strengthened its global predominance among social networks between 2017 and 2009, with just a few big hold-out countries.
A short history of disappearing privacy on Facebook Since Facebook launched in 2005 its default privacy settings have undergone radical changes, giving more access to personal data than many are aware of.
Connected world, fragmented world Is internet access a human right? What are the limits of free speech online and what should they be? By Judith Bruhn.
You can’t be serious! The birthplace of western homo-erotica cuts a gay kiss from TV, writes Judith Bruhn.
Does freedom of expression give us a right to show videos of animals being crushed? In 2010 president Barack Obama signed a law banning videos that depict animal cruelty. Judith Bruhn explores whether this is a justified restriction to freedom of expression.
The silenced sex? Women’s voices in US election coverage A new report shows only 12% of US election coverage on the abortion debate quotes women. Judith Bruhn explores why this under-representation of women’s voices is undermining women’s freedom of speech.
The vital presence of the past History is a sensitive issue in China with some of it desperately remembered and some, deliberately forgotten, writes Judith Bruhn.
柏林的Twitter墙与中国的网络防火墙 Judith Bruhn写道,2009年,由于中国博客们在柏林Twitter墙的网站潮水般地推文要求中国停止互联网审查, 中国当局封锁了柏林Twitter墙的网站。