蒂莫西·加顿艾什(Timothy Garton Ash) 项目主任
Dorian Singh, 研究经理
Dorian Singh是达伦多夫自由研究计划的研究经理并协助领导言论自由大讨论项目。她是牛津大学社会政策学博士,研究领域是前共产主义国家的医疗改革。
Michael Patefield, 助理编辑
Michael Patefield 是言论自由大讨论项目的网络编辑,目前在圣安东尼学院攻读俄罗斯和东欧研究的硕士学位。其研究领域是普京治下的俄罗斯经济政策。
Sebastian Huempfer, 助理编辑
Sebastian Huempfer 正在牛津大学攻读经济史博士学位。他的研究方向包括言论自由与经济和政治的关系、仇恨言论以及德国的言论自由规范。
Sarah Glatte, 助理编辑
Sarah Glatte是言论自由大讨论项目的副编辑。她最近刚获得了牛津大学的政治学博士学位,研究方向包括政治参与、性别和言论自由。
Max Harris, 助理编辑
Max Harris 是万灵学院院士。他的学历为法律和公共政策硕士,对国家的地位和人权问题特别有兴趣。
Patrick Quinton-Brown, 助理编辑
Patrick Quinton-Brown 在牛津大学攻读国际关系学硕士。是John A. Moss奖学金的获得者。他还是《圣安东尼国际述评》杂志的执行编辑。
Emre Caliskan, 社会推广编辑
Emre Caliskan is 在圣安东尼学院攻读国际关系学硕士。此前曾在BBC土耳其频道、土耳其国立的TRT频道和《共和国报》任职。他是《新土耳其及其不满》的作者之一,该书将由Hurst出版社出版。
Neil Dullaghan, 社会推广编辑
Neil Dullaghan以国际关系学本科毕业,目前在牛津大学曼斯菲尔德学院攻读政治学(欧洲政治与社会专业)硕士学位。. 他曾在国际保护责任联盟、联合国大学和Castleford媒体等任职。
Kimb Jones, 网站设计和开发
Kimb 从90年代就开始从事网站开发,是WordPress平台’Make Do’设计开发公司的创始人之一。此前他他曾是英国NHS通信与市场部的一部数字化内容经理,从2005年起就一直致力于WordPress平台。
Maroussia Bednarkiewicz 拥有日内瓦大学翻译学硕士学位和牛津大学伊斯兰研究硕士学位。她既是一位自由翻译者,又在攻读博士学位,论文课题是何种社会、政治和法律机制使得阿拉伯征服后改信伊斯兰教的人口在皈依伊斯兰教的同时保留了古代的传统。
Laura Bernal Bermúdez 是一名来自哥伦比亚的律师。她获得了伦敦经济学院社会学系的人权研究硕士学位,并正在牛津大学攻读社会学博士学位,课题是如何应对哥伦比亚公司对人权的侵害。
Udit Bhatia 在牛津大学攻读政治理论博士学位,研究方向是教育方式是如何将人排除于民主化国家的公民身份之外的。
Andreia Carmo 在牛津大学攻读拉美研究硕士学位,最近刚刚被伦敦大学国王学院的博士项目录取。她的兴趣点是腐败,曾经翻译过几部著作,例如将玛丽·沃斯通克拉夫特的《为女权辩护》译为葡萄牙文。
Fouzia Farooq 研究中古印度历史的历史学家,目前是牛津伊斯兰研究中心的博士后和伊斯兰堡真纳大学的讲师。她的著作《穆斯林对印度的统治:德里苏丹国的权力与宗教》将于2016年6月由伦敦I.B. Tauris出版社出版。
Max Gallien 在伦敦经济学院攻读博士,研究着力于北非地区非法贸易的政治经济学。
Saba Halepota
Nada Helal 来自埃及,是社会人类学硕士生,研究兴趣包括教育、移民和政治,关注的地区是中东,特别是埃及。
Jalal Imran 在牛津大学攻读政治学博士学位,课题是社会运动和集体暴力,特别关注中东。其他研究兴趣包括理解不同文化和政治语境下的极端主义及其对政治和文化的影响。
Maryhen Jiménez Morales 在政治与国际关系学系攻读博士学位。她研究的是拉丁美洲选举制威权主义政权下的反对党,此前他在牛津大学圣安东尼学院获得了拉美研究的硕士学位以及法兰克福歌德大学的政治学学士学位。她曾在德国的发展合作署、美洲人权法院和位于华盛顿特区的人权观察美洲分部工作。
Danish Khan 目前攻读历史学博士学位,并为印度的报章和广播媒体供稿。
Zaha Kheir 生在德国,长在西班牙,并于2010在那里获得了政治学和管理的学士于硕士学位。毕业后,他在法兰克福创办了自己的翻译公司,专攻医学翻译和双语稿件。她拥有德国商会颁发的德英和德西翻译证书。2014年,她重返学界,在牛津大学圣安东尼学院攻读政治学博士学位,论文研究的是联合国托管时期巴勒斯坦和黎巴嫩的政治角力。
Kimiko Kuga是牛津大学政治与国际关系学系的博士研究生。他研究日本的人口拐卖。
Ana Martins 在里斯本的葡萄牙天主教大学政治学研究所攻读政治理论,同时是就近大学圣安东尼学院的访问学者,学科背景是法律和新闻学。
Mujahid Muhammad 牛津大学有机化学系的博士研究生。他的研究方方向是人工合成自然界中具有生物活性的化合物。
Kaya Nagayo 是一位研究俄罗斯和东欧问题的日本学生。她喜欢旅游、弹钢琴、拉小提琴、摄影、听音乐会、看话剧、参观画廊和艺术博物馆。
Nikhil Pandhi 是来自印度的罗德奖学金获得者,正在考古学院攻读硕士。他的兴趣广泛,并就历史、政治、文化、法律等问题发表过文章。
Monica Richter 在圣安东尼学院攻读欧洲政治的硕士学位,方向是欧洲的外交政策以及欧盟与俄罗斯的战略伙伴关系。她毕业于圣安德鲁斯大学国际关系和哲学专业。
Suzanne Robin 在牛津大学圣安东尼学院获得了社会学硕士学位。她对西方民主社会中的性别、青年问题和社会运动很有兴趣。此前他在巴黎索邦大学学习哲学与人文。
Dana Polatin-Reuben 在牛津大学新成立的网络犯罪博士训练站攻读博士学位,在牛津互联网研究所进行课题研究。他的方向包括斯诺登事件对互联网架构的影响,以及发展中国家的数据主权计划。
Maja Sojref 在牛津大学圣十字学院攻读现代中东研究的硕士学位。她对社会史和文化史特别感兴趣,并曾在以色列/巴勒斯坦的民权组织中工作过。
Yury Sorochkin
Hande Yalnizoglu 在圣安东尼学院攻读现代中东研究的硕士学位,她的论文课题是通过1869年巴格达出版的奥斯曼帝国报纸看奥斯曼的现代性。她还对中东的伊斯兰运动和文化转型以及土耳其的库尔德问题很感兴趣。
Maryam Omidi was our online editor 2011-2012. Before joining Free Speech Debate, she worked at Financial News, a Dow Jones-owned magazine, where she was an online reporter. Prior to that, she worked in the Maldives both as editor of Minivan (Independent) News and a stringer for Reuters.
Judith Bruhn was the online editor 2012-2015. Previously she was an MPhil student in modern Chinese studies at St Antony’s College, Oxford, and received an MA in international relations from the University of St Andrews.
Brian Pellot, was an online editor for Free Speech Debate. He studied Journalism at the University of Missouri and Modern Middle Eastern Studies at St Antony’s College, Oxford. Brian is a multimedia journalist focused on cyberpolitics, mass media and gender issues in the Arab Gulf states.
Jeffrey Howard (Law) was a Doctoral candidate in Political Theory at Nuffield College, Oxford. His dissertation develops a theory of the moral relations between those who affirm the principles of liberal democracy and those who do not. He convenes the Nuffield Political Theory workshop, teaches Political Philosophy to Oxford undergraduates, and works as a researcher at Counterpoint, the London-based think tank and risk analysis firm.
Graham Reynolds (Intellectual Property) was an Assistant Professor at Dalhousie University Schulich School of Law in Halifax, Canada, where he teaches and researches in the areas of intellectual property law, property law, and copyright law. Graham is currently on academic leave from Dalhousie, pursuing doctoral studies in law at St Peter’s College, Oxford. His thesis focuses on the intersection of freedom of expression and copyright.
Naoko Hosokawa was studying Japanese Socio-Linguistics at Hertford College, Oxford. She previously studied International Relations and Political Science.
İrem Kök was reading for a DPhil in Geography and the Environment at Brasenose College, Oxford. Before moving to UK, she completed Bachelor’s and Post-Graduate degrees in Philosophy, Economics and Political Science in Turkey and the US.
Fatemeh Shams was studying for a Doctorate at Wadham College, Oxford. Her thesis is concerned with the transformation of ideology in post-revolutionary Persian poetry. She is a poet and a blogger, and was a political activist in the Iranian student movement and co-editor of a number of opposition websites after the 2009 presidential election in Iran. She has been living in exile since then.
Hebatalla Taha was a MPhil candidate in Middle Eastern Studies at St Cross College, Oxford. She focuses on political Islam and Islamic feminism in the Arab world. She has previously completed a BA in International Affairs with a focus on the Middle East and International Development.
Funda Üstek was studying for DPhil in Sociology at St Cross College, Oxford. Previously, she completed a MSc in Comparative Social Policy at Oxford and a double BA (Hons) in Political Science and International Relations and Philosophy at Boğaziçi University, Turkey.
Maximilien von Berg was reading for an MPhil in Politics (Comparative Government) at St Cross College, Oxford. Max holds a BA in International Relations (first class) and has worked in the Middle East. His thesis aims to study the evolution of public debt in OECD countries. Max is a former triathlon world champion and rows for Wolfson College’s First VIII boat.
Felipe Botelho Correa was studying for a DPhil in Modern Languages, focusing on Brazilian Literature at Wolfson College, Oxford. In 2009 he published the book, Imaginário do medo: imprensa e violência urbana (in Portuguese), using the results of his Master’s thesis on media and urban violence in Brazil.
Melis Evcimik was a first year Dphil student at St. Antony’s College, Oxford. She works on contemporary Middle East foreign policy and is particularly interested in Turkey’s involvement in the Middle East. She holds her BA and MA degrees from Princeton University, Department of Politics and Department of Near Eastern Studies.
Maria Luiza Gatto was a doctoral student in Politics and a member of St. Antony’s College, Oxford. She studies political institutions and women’s political representation in Latin America. She holds a M.Sc. in Politics Research (2012) from Corpus Christi College, University of Oxford, and a B.A. with honours (2011) from Barnard College, Columbia University.
Kim Wilkinson was associate editor of FSD and studying at Wolfson College, Oxford where she was completing the MPhil in Modern Middle Eastern Studies.
Heba Al-Adawy studied Modern Middle Eastern Studies at Trinity College, Oxford. She previous specialised in European Intellectual History, in particular, the question of religion and sovereignty within western political thought.
Jacob Amis studied Modern Middle Eastern Studies at St Antony’s College, Oxford. His research focuses on the political strategies of non-violent Islamist movements. From 2009 to 2010, Jacob was research fellow in foreign policy and security at Policy Exchange. He holds a prize-winning BA in ancient and modern history from Oxford University, and has studied Arabic in Egypt, Jordan, Oman and Syria.
Sanchita Bakshi studied Development Studies at St Antony’s College, Oxford.
Ruth Costas studied Latin American Studies at St Antony’s College, Oxford. She did her undergraduate studies in International Relations at PUC and in Journalism at USP in Brazil. Before coming to Oxford she worked for seven years as a journalist in Brazil.
Katie Engelhart studied Modern History at St. Antony’s College, Oxford. In a former life, she was a journalist in Toronto.
Katherine Bruce-Lockhart was doing the MSc in African Studies at St.Antony’s College. She has worked as a journalist in Canada and Southern Africa, and has done research and programming with non-governmental organizations working on free speech issues in Namibia, Nepal and Canada.
Bassam Gergi was pursuing an M.Phil at Comparative Government at St. Antony’s College. He is a Dahrendorf scholar who is interested in the public breakdown in contemporary black politics and why black America is silent about the challenges it faces.
Rory McCarthy was researching a DPhil in Oriental Studies at St Antony’s College, Oxford. He was previously Middle East correspondent for the Guardian.
Amy Qin studied Politics (Comparative Government) at St. Antony’s College, Oxford. Her research focused on state-society relations in China, specifically the impact of the internet on Chinese politics.
Maximilian Ruhenstroth-Bauer studied European Politics and Society at Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford and obtained his MPhil in July 2012.
Casey Selwyn studied International Relations, with a focus on public-private health partnerships, at St Antony’s College, Oxford. Casey received her Bachelor’s degree in History from New York University, and worked as a research assistant before coming to Oxford.
Louise Fang was a visiting research scholar at the Faculty of English, Oxford. She is currently staying at the Maison Française and completing a Master’s degree in English Literature.
Clementine de Montjoye was doing an MSt in Modern Languages at Worcester College, Oxford. Before coming to Oxford she was at King’s College London doing a BA in Comparative Literature. She now focuses her studies on Hispanic and Anglophone postcolonial literature.
Marina Pérez de Arcos studied International Relations at St Antony’s College, Oxford. Her undergraduate thesis was on social policies in Medellín, Colombia. Marina worked in local government in France and in the Spanish Government.
Sundas Ali (Pakistan) was a Doctoral student in Sociology at Nuffield College, Oxford. Her research interests cover national identity and sense of belonging. Her previous training was in International Relations (MSc) and Economics and Econometrics (BSc) from the University of Bristol.
Annabelle Chapman was studying Russian and East European Studies at St Antony’s College, Oxford. She is interested in the European Union’s policy towards its eastern neighbors.
Andrew Clark studied Modern Middle Eastern Studies at St Antony’s College, Oxford. His focus is was Arab politics and Islamist movements, specifically in Egypt, but he is also interested in Middle Eastern History and Economics.
Rutger Kaput was a DPhil candidate in Political Theory at St Antony’s College, Oxford. His dissertation focuses on how changing experiences of social time affect politics.
Matthias Battis was a DPhil Candidate in History at Wolfson College, Oxford. He previously studied at the European University Viadrina for a BA in Cultural Sciences, and graduated in 2011 from an MPhil in Russian and East European Studies from Oxford.
Dr Olga Shvarova was an Associate Consultant at Isis Innovation, Oxford University Science aside, Olga is a writer, a translator and a photographer.
Nadira Khudayberdieva (Russia) was studying for an MSc in Global Governance and Diplomacy at St Antony’s College, Oxford. She was particularly interested in ethnic conflict prevention and human rights issues, and hoped to build a career in these areas.
Josh Black was studying at St Antony’s College, Oxford where he was reading for an MSc in Russian and Eastern European Studies. Fastidious with semi-colons, in his spare time he blogs and dreams of travelling the world.
Manav Bhushan was a second year DPhil student at St Cross College, Oxford. He also worked on mathematical modelling for a cancer research project.
Dominic James Burbidge (religion) was a Doctoral candidate in Politics at Oriel College, Oxford. His dissertation looked at interpersonal trust in Kenya and Tanzania and argues social capital to be the Ancient concept of virtue. Dominic was one of the first Dahrendorf Scholars of St Antony’s College in 2009 and is currently under the Herbert and Ilse Frankel Memorial Studentship in Political Economy at Oriel College. Dominic learnt Swahili in Kenya and Tanzania and is a consultant for Strathmore Governance Centre in Nairobi, Kenya. He works with orphans of AIDS in western Kenya through the NGO Teach a Child Africa and also teaches undergraduates of Oxford’s PPE course.
Avani Bansal was Roy Goode Scholar, pursuing MPhil in Law at Linacre College, Oxford. Her subject areas of interest include Constitutional Law, Environmental Law and Human Rights.
Shubhangi Bhadada was studying law at St. Hilda’s College, Oxford. She was interested in public international law, commercial law and human rights.
Vanya Vaidehi Bhargav was studying Modern South Asian Studies at St Antony’s College, Oxford. She previously read a BA in History and Politics at Oxford. She was interested in questions of Hindu nationalism, religious minorities and caste in India.
Michèle Finck was a DPhil candidate in law. She is particularly interested in European, Comparative and Public Law. She holds an LL.M. from the EUI as well as a Dual Degree in French and English Law from King’s College London and the Sorbonne.
Ayako Komine was a DPhil student in Politics at New College, Oxford. She is conducting research on immigration and nationhood in Japan. She worked as a management consultant before arriving at Oxford.
Aisha Saad was reading for a DPhil in Political Geography at Christ Church, Oxford. She is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and has conducted research on environmental justice and development equity in the Middle East, South Asia, and Latin America.
Sakumi Shimizu was a MSc student in Modern Japanese Studies at St. Antony’s College, Oxford. She holds a BA in International Liberal Arts and has worked for a Japanese company doing global marketing before coming to Oxford.
Marcos Todeschini was doing a MSc in Latin American Studies at St Antony’s College, Oxford. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism and has been working as a business reporter for eight years for the Brazilian and Spanish media.
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Thank you for creating this site! I learned of it on NPR San Francisco this week when they aired an interview with Timothy Garton Ash.