Kategoriye göre sırala 'Social media' içeren 122 eklemeler menuAnahtar kelimeler aracılığıyla aramak için Academia (2)Access (17)Africa (6)Animal Rights (1)Anonymity (9)Arab Spring (5)Art (15)Article 19 (1)Atheism (1)Australia (4)Blasphemy (16)Blogger (5)Books (1)Brazil (4)Buddhism (2)Burma (2)Canada (3)Celebrity (5)Censorship (28)Charlie Hebdo (2)China (10)Christianity (13)Civility (33)Colonialism (1)Copyright (7)Corruption (3)Defamation (24)Democracy (20)Denialism (3)Denmark (2)Discrimination (9)Education (16)Egypt (3)Europe (4)Exclusion (1)Facebook (3)Film (1)France (6)Freedom (36)Gaza conflict (1)Genocide (3)Germany (9)Google (5)Governance (10)Hate speech (19)Hinduism (1)History (18)Homosexuality (5)Humour (3)Hungary (1)Hunger strike (1)India (11)Internet (43)Internet companies (1)Islam (21)Israel (1)Japan (2)Journalism (24)Kenya (2)Knowledge (26)Language (10)Latin America (6)Law (51)Lese majesty (1)Liberalism (13)Literature (6)Media (47)Memory laws (2)Middle East (8)Minorities (4)Money (13)Morality (8)Multiculturalism (10)National security (30)Net neutrality (12)Netherlands (3)New Zealand (1)Norway (1)Nudity (5)Occupy movement (1)Open source (2)Pakistan (4)Palestine (1)Piracy (2)Poland (3)Politics (54)Pornography (9)Power (56)Privacy (22)Protest (23)Public Morality (27)Race (1)Radio (2)Regulation (5)Religion (32)Reputation (19)Right to information (47)Russia (2)Satire (13)Saudi Arabia (1)Science (8)Scientology (1)Secrecy (1)Singapore (2)Social media (15)South Africa (5)Southeast Asia (2)Sport (1)Surveillance (2)Syria (1)Technology (20)Terrorism (6)Thailand (1)Turkey (11)Twitter (8)Ukraine (1)United Kingdom (11)United States (16)Violence (28)Whistleblowing (3)Wikileaks (1)Wikipedia (2)YouTube (1) The UK can show the way on platform regulation. But not by treating Facebook and Google as publishers Mark Bunting argues that the tech giants should accept ‘procedural accountability’. Six monarchs, 140 dissidents, one rule: Keep your mouth shut Nicholas McGeehan explores restrictions on free speech and protest in the Arab Gulf states and the foreign policy responsibilities of Western governments. Hyperreality beats free speech in Turkey Kerem Öktem describes the dramatic deterioration of Turkey’s media landscape after the attempted coup of July 2016. The Russian Orthodox Church and freedom of expression: 2016 update Olga Shvarova explores how the Russian Orthodox Church’s interpretation of traditional moral values and spiritual security affects freedom of expression in Russia. Russia’s law on offending religious feelings Helen Haft examines the case of a blogger prosecuted after an online argument and its implications for Russian free speech. ‘We need more hell’: Russian free speech and the market of attention Maksim Orlov explores how free speech is not enough for effective communication. Mark Zuckerberg’s speech: a political statement about the future of Facebook? Evelyn Walls explores how Facebook may navigate Chinese free speech restrictions as it seeks to enter the market. ‘İntikam Pornosu’ yasaklanmalı mı? Max Harris İngiltere’nin intikam pornosuna yönelik nasıl yasal düzenlemeler yaptığını diğer Milletler Topluluğu ülkeleri ile karşılaştırarak açıklıyor. John Naughton: Are private superpowers a threat to free speech? John Naughton discusses the state of the internet, net neutrality and private companies. Has Demotix democratised journalism? Demotix founder Turi Munthe discusses the role of citizen journalism and Demotix in today’s media environment. How a Weibo post gets censored Jason Q Ng traces the path of a censored Weibo post and tracks keywords that trigger automatic review. How can you tell what’s banned on the internet? Joss Wright describes the technical and ethical challenges in investigating online censorship. Religion: Sample our intellectual buffet. Or make your own meal. Timothy Garton Ash introduces a sample tour of the content on our site. Vote for Hong Kong – on the streets and online In 2014, the citizens of Hong Kong staged an unofficial civil referendum in protest against the Beijing authorities’ attempts to undermine its independence. As Rebecca Wong reports, the majority of the votes were cast via a voting app on mobile phones. 14 yaşındaki Twitter şakacısı Hollanda’da tutuklandı 14 yaşındaki kız bir Twitter şakasının ardından tutuklanınca ifade özgürlüğü bir kez daha mercek altına alındı. Max Harris tartışıyor. How an attempt at ‘libel tourism’ rebounded on a Tanzanian tycoon A British citizen blogged about a Tanzanian media magnate involved in throwing her and her husband off their Tanzanian farm. He sued for libel in a British court. Dominic Burbidge explains. The way Xi moves: free speech under assault in China Shi Yige examines different approaches to censorship in China, and argues that while internet controls might avail the leadership in the short term, they are unsustainable. Assessing the state of free speech in Norway University of Oslo professor Tore Slaatta describes a pioneering project to evaluate freedom of expression in a whole country. Is Facebook just the new chamber of commerce and Twitter the new telegraph? Political theorist Rob Reich discusses what adaptations we need as freedom of speech and association move increasingly from the offline to the online world. Can the old principles still apply in new circumstances? Why ramp up internet surveillance in Nigeria? The Nigerian government is rumoured to have sealed a $40m dollar contract for internet surveillance technology. There is no clear justification for this “secret” deal, and no assurance that the technology would be used fairly, given Nigeria’s lack of established rights for citizen privacy. By Nwachukwu Egbunike and Dominic Burbidge. In defence of whistleblowing Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern has been an outspoken defender of whistleblowers and alternative media sources. The bizarre story of how lippy librarians faced down a silly publisher A university librarian faced a lawsuit over a critical blog post about the publishing house Edwin Mellen Press but online solidarity won out. By Dominic Burbidge. Free Speech Bites Nigel Warburton spoke with Timothy Garton Ash for Index on Censorship’s Free Speech Bites about the Free Speech Debate Project and global free speech standards. İntihara yol açan sanal zorbalik Ekim 2012’de Amanda Todd adında Kanadalı bir genç seneler boyunca uğradığı sanal zorbalığa ve tacize dayanamayarak intihar etti. Judith Bruhn bu hayretler uyandırıcı olayı inceliyor. The Southern Weekly affair: No closer to the Chinese dream? 2013 began dramatically in China with a standoff between journalists and state propaganda authorities over a drastically rewritten New Year editorial. Timothy Garton Ash introduces English translations of the original and finally published versions. Hayvanlara yapılan muamele Nazi toplama kamplarıyla karşılaştırılabilir mi? Almanya’da değil, diye cevap verdi Almanya mahkemeleri. Avrupa İnsan Hakları Komisyonu da bu karara katıldı. In the Philippines, be careful of what you retweet A new cybercrime law in the Philippines would give unfettered powers to the state to monitor internet users, take down websites and imprison citizens writes Purple S. Romero The Nira Radia tapes controversy and the right to privacy Should government-initiated phone hacking be made public if the recordings are in the public interest? Shubhangi Bhadada exposes the thin line in India between the right to privacy and freedom of expression. Ayreh Neier: Why free speech is important in averting atrocities Aryeh Neier, human rights lawyer and president emeritus of the Open Society Foundations speaks about the future of free speech. Why Rwanda and Libya need free speech – and media regulation Jerry Timmins describes a new report on media in two post-conflict societies, and argues that countries like Britain should do more to support them. Does freedom of expression give us a right to show videos of animals being crushed? In 2010 president Barack Obama signed a law banning videos that depict animal cruelty. Judith Bruhn explores whether this is a justified restriction to freedom of expression. What is it like to be charged with libel for cybercrime in the Philippines? Filippino journalist Marites Vitug speaks about her experience being charged with libel for her investigative journalism, freedom of the press in the Philippines and the new cybercrime law. Facebook’un yüz tanıma özelliği ile otomatik etiketlemeye olan aşırı hevesi Facebook otomatik olarak bir fotoğrafta kimin olduğunu önermeli midir? Sebastian Huempfer, Facebook’un fotoğrafları etiketleme yazılım programının kullanıcıların özel hayatlarının gizliliğini koruma hakkını ihlal edip etmediğini sorguluyor. Ushahidi duyulmaya ihtiyacı olanların seslerini nasıl haritalandırıyor Dominic Burbidge, Ushahidi’nin dönüştürücü kitle kaynak programlarının Kenya ve diğer yerlerderki krizleri nasıl hafiflettiğini tartışıyor. The Kremlin’s grip tightens on Russia’s answer to Facebook Russian social network VK launched six years ago and has since attracted 122 million users. But as Olga Shvarova explains, political and copyright crackdowns are limiting the free flow of information and ideas its users once enjoyed. Reader’s comment We regularly highlight comments that have made an impression on us. Today’s comes from user Martinned responding to Brian Pellot’s discussion piece on the Innocence of Muslims controversy. What are the biggest debates concerning Islam and free speech? FSD’s Katie Engelhart sat in on this Frontline Club debate to discuss controversy surrounding the YouTube video Innocence of Muslims. Müslümanların Masumiyeti videosu YouTube’un masumiyetini sona mı erdirdi? YouTube ve benzeri internet platformlarının ülkenizde, dilinizde ve dünya çapında ifade özgürlüğü gündemi yaratma konusunda oynamaları gereken rol konusundaki tartışmamıza katılın. Çevrimiçi editor Brian Pellot tartışmayı başlatıyor. Evgeny Morozov: What is the dark side of internet freedom? Author Evgeny Morozov highlights the dangers that sometimes emerge when governments and corporations harness the internet to serve their own objectives. Haiyan Wang: What is it like being an investigative journalist in China? Former investigative journalist Haiyan Wang describes the ways in which Chinese reporters push the boundaries of press freedom. Interview by Judith Bruhn. BBC Arap Baharı yayınlarında ne kadar tarafsızdı? Birleşmiş Milletler iletişim dairesi eski müdürü Edward Mortimer yeni yazısında BBC’nin Arap Baharı isyanlarına ilişkin yayınlarının “makul ölçüde tarafsız” olduğunu söylüyor. Çin’in insan arama motoru Her ne kadar Çin’deki insan arama motoru hükümetin yolsuzluklarını ortaya çıkarmada kullanılsa da normal vatandaşları utandırmak için de kullanılabilir. Judith Bruhn yazıyor. David Kirkpatrick: What is the Facebook Effect? The author of The Facebook Effect talks to FSD about privacy, anonymity whether the social network plans to go into China. Storyful: vatandaş gazeteciliğini doğrulamak Storyful’un haber editörü Malachy Browne, sosyal medyada hizmet veren haber ajansının haber içeriklerini nasıl gerçek zamanlı olarak doğruladığını açıklıyor. Adil olmayan bir dünyada ifade özgürlüğü için savaşmak İfade özgürlüğününün savunmasız vatandaşları güçlendirmekten ziyade marjinalize ettiği bir toplum, evrensel ifade özgürlüğüne dair ahlaki vizyonumuzun henüz gerçekleşmediği bir toplumdur. Jeff Howard yazıyor. Al-Jazeera and the rise of citizen journalism Since the beginning of the Arab uprising, more than 70,000 videos have been uploaded to Al-Jazeera’s portal Sharek. ACTA & the internet: freedom of expression & privacy Join Free Speech Debate and ARTICLE 19 in London on Thursday 3 May for a panel discussion on the impact of ACTA on global free expression Should you have to reveal your real name on Facebook? Lord Allan of Facebook and author Viktor Mayer-Schönberger wrangle over the social networking site’s real name policy, its claim to transparency and its use of personal data. World map of social networks The number of social networking sites around the world has fallen from 17 in June 2009 to six in December 2011, according to the latest Vincos map. On Free Speech: China, India and the art of ‘Zuckering’ The second episode of FSD’s monthly podcast looks at free speech in India, internet censorship in China and Facebook’s attitude towards privacy. Paolo Mancini: Will the internet transform Italian politics? Professor Paolo Mancini argues that while new technologies offer opportunities, they also lead to political and social polarisation. Berlin Twitter Duvarı Çin Güvenlik Seddi’ne Karşı 2009’da Çinli yetkililer internet sansürüne son verilmesini isteyen tweet seliyle dolup taşınca, Çin’den Berlin Twitter Duvarı’na erişimi engellediler, diyor Judith Bruhn. Türkiye’de YouTube Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin kurucusu Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’ü ve “Türklüğü” aşağılayan bazı videoları kaldırmadığı için YouTube üç yıl boyunca Türkiye’de yasaklandı. Funda Üstek ve İrem Kök yazıyor. Artık hepimiz birer gazeteciyiz Son yıllarda halk gazeteciliği medya anlayışını tamamıyla değiştirdi. Lütfen siz de buraya önemli bulduğunuz halk gazeteciliği örneklerini ekleyiniz. Çinli blog yazarı Han Han 300 milyonu aşkın okura sahip Han Han Çin’in en etkili internet şahsiyetleri arasında yer alıyor. Judith Bruhn onun blogunu bir vatandaşın zor koşullarda daha açık ve farklı bir medya oluşturma örneği olarak inceliyor. Nobel Laureate Shirin Ebadi: Should insults to religious beliefs be criminalised? The Iranian lawyer and Nobel peace prize winner talks to Free Speech Debate about freedom of expression in Iran and whether insults to religious and non-religious beliefs should be criminalised.
The UK can show the way on platform regulation. But not by treating Facebook and Google as publishers Mark Bunting argues that the tech giants should accept ‘procedural accountability’.
Six monarchs, 140 dissidents, one rule: Keep your mouth shut Nicholas McGeehan explores restrictions on free speech and protest in the Arab Gulf states and the foreign policy responsibilities of Western governments.
Hyperreality beats free speech in Turkey Kerem Öktem describes the dramatic deterioration of Turkey’s media landscape after the attempted coup of July 2016.
The Russian Orthodox Church and freedom of expression: 2016 update Olga Shvarova explores how the Russian Orthodox Church’s interpretation of traditional moral values and spiritual security affects freedom of expression in Russia.
Russia’s law on offending religious feelings Helen Haft examines the case of a blogger prosecuted after an online argument and its implications for Russian free speech.
‘We need more hell’: Russian free speech and the market of attention Maksim Orlov explores how free speech is not enough for effective communication.
Mark Zuckerberg’s speech: a political statement about the future of Facebook? Evelyn Walls explores how Facebook may navigate Chinese free speech restrictions as it seeks to enter the market.
‘İntikam Pornosu’ yasaklanmalı mı? Max Harris İngiltere’nin intikam pornosuna yönelik nasıl yasal düzenlemeler yaptığını diğer Milletler Topluluğu ülkeleri ile karşılaştırarak açıklıyor.
John Naughton: Are private superpowers a threat to free speech? John Naughton discusses the state of the internet, net neutrality and private companies.
Has Demotix democratised journalism? Demotix founder Turi Munthe discusses the role of citizen journalism and Demotix in today’s media environment.
How a Weibo post gets censored Jason Q Ng traces the path of a censored Weibo post and tracks keywords that trigger automatic review.
How can you tell what’s banned on the internet? Joss Wright describes the technical and ethical challenges in investigating online censorship.
Religion: Sample our intellectual buffet. Or make your own meal. Timothy Garton Ash introduces a sample tour of the content on our site.
Vote for Hong Kong – on the streets and online In 2014, the citizens of Hong Kong staged an unofficial civil referendum in protest against the Beijing authorities’ attempts to undermine its independence. As Rebecca Wong reports, the majority of the votes were cast via a voting app on mobile phones.
14 yaşındaki Twitter şakacısı Hollanda’da tutuklandı 14 yaşındaki kız bir Twitter şakasının ardından tutuklanınca ifade özgürlüğü bir kez daha mercek altına alındı. Max Harris tartışıyor.
How an attempt at ‘libel tourism’ rebounded on a Tanzanian tycoon A British citizen blogged about a Tanzanian media magnate involved in throwing her and her husband off their Tanzanian farm. He sued for libel in a British court. Dominic Burbidge explains.
The way Xi moves: free speech under assault in China Shi Yige examines different approaches to censorship in China, and argues that while internet controls might avail the leadership in the short term, they are unsustainable.
Assessing the state of free speech in Norway University of Oslo professor Tore Slaatta describes a pioneering project to evaluate freedom of expression in a whole country.
Is Facebook just the new chamber of commerce and Twitter the new telegraph? Political theorist Rob Reich discusses what adaptations we need as freedom of speech and association move increasingly from the offline to the online world. Can the old principles still apply in new circumstances?
Why ramp up internet surveillance in Nigeria? The Nigerian government is rumoured to have sealed a $40m dollar contract for internet surveillance technology. There is no clear justification for this “secret” deal, and no assurance that the technology would be used fairly, given Nigeria’s lack of established rights for citizen privacy. By Nwachukwu Egbunike and Dominic Burbidge.
In defence of whistleblowing Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern has been an outspoken defender of whistleblowers and alternative media sources.
The bizarre story of how lippy librarians faced down a silly publisher A university librarian faced a lawsuit over a critical blog post about the publishing house Edwin Mellen Press but online solidarity won out. By Dominic Burbidge.
Free Speech Bites Nigel Warburton spoke with Timothy Garton Ash for Index on Censorship’s Free Speech Bites about the Free Speech Debate Project and global free speech standards.
İntihara yol açan sanal zorbalik Ekim 2012’de Amanda Todd adında Kanadalı bir genç seneler boyunca uğradığı sanal zorbalığa ve tacize dayanamayarak intihar etti. Judith Bruhn bu hayretler uyandırıcı olayı inceliyor.
The Southern Weekly affair: No closer to the Chinese dream? 2013 began dramatically in China with a standoff between journalists and state propaganda authorities over a drastically rewritten New Year editorial. Timothy Garton Ash introduces English translations of the original and finally published versions.
Hayvanlara yapılan muamele Nazi toplama kamplarıyla karşılaştırılabilir mi? Almanya’da değil, diye cevap verdi Almanya mahkemeleri. Avrupa İnsan Hakları Komisyonu da bu karara katıldı.
In the Philippines, be careful of what you retweet A new cybercrime law in the Philippines would give unfettered powers to the state to monitor internet users, take down websites and imprison citizens writes Purple S. Romero
The Nira Radia tapes controversy and the right to privacy Should government-initiated phone hacking be made public if the recordings are in the public interest? Shubhangi Bhadada exposes the thin line in India between the right to privacy and freedom of expression.
Ayreh Neier: Why free speech is important in averting atrocities Aryeh Neier, human rights lawyer and president emeritus of the Open Society Foundations speaks about the future of free speech.
Why Rwanda and Libya need free speech – and media regulation Jerry Timmins describes a new report on media in two post-conflict societies, and argues that countries like Britain should do more to support them.
Does freedom of expression give us a right to show videos of animals being crushed? In 2010 president Barack Obama signed a law banning videos that depict animal cruelty. Judith Bruhn explores whether this is a justified restriction to freedom of expression.
What is it like to be charged with libel for cybercrime in the Philippines? Filippino journalist Marites Vitug speaks about her experience being charged with libel for her investigative journalism, freedom of the press in the Philippines and the new cybercrime law.
Facebook’un yüz tanıma özelliği ile otomatik etiketlemeye olan aşırı hevesi Facebook otomatik olarak bir fotoğrafta kimin olduğunu önermeli midir? Sebastian Huempfer, Facebook’un fotoğrafları etiketleme yazılım programının kullanıcıların özel hayatlarının gizliliğini koruma hakkını ihlal edip etmediğini sorguluyor.
Ushahidi duyulmaya ihtiyacı olanların seslerini nasıl haritalandırıyor Dominic Burbidge, Ushahidi’nin dönüştürücü kitle kaynak programlarının Kenya ve diğer yerlerderki krizleri nasıl hafiflettiğini tartışıyor.
The Kremlin’s grip tightens on Russia’s answer to Facebook Russian social network VK launched six years ago and has since attracted 122 million users. But as Olga Shvarova explains, political and copyright crackdowns are limiting the free flow of information and ideas its users once enjoyed.
Reader’s comment We regularly highlight comments that have made an impression on us. Today’s comes from user Martinned responding to Brian Pellot’s discussion piece on the Innocence of Muslims controversy.
What are the biggest debates concerning Islam and free speech? FSD’s Katie Engelhart sat in on this Frontline Club debate to discuss controversy surrounding the YouTube video Innocence of Muslims.
Müslümanların Masumiyeti videosu YouTube’un masumiyetini sona mı erdirdi? YouTube ve benzeri internet platformlarının ülkenizde, dilinizde ve dünya çapında ifade özgürlüğü gündemi yaratma konusunda oynamaları gereken rol konusundaki tartışmamıza katılın. Çevrimiçi editor Brian Pellot tartışmayı başlatıyor.
Evgeny Morozov: What is the dark side of internet freedom? Author Evgeny Morozov highlights the dangers that sometimes emerge when governments and corporations harness the internet to serve their own objectives.
Haiyan Wang: What is it like being an investigative journalist in China? Former investigative journalist Haiyan Wang describes the ways in which Chinese reporters push the boundaries of press freedom. Interview by Judith Bruhn.
BBC Arap Baharı yayınlarında ne kadar tarafsızdı? Birleşmiş Milletler iletişim dairesi eski müdürü Edward Mortimer yeni yazısında BBC’nin Arap Baharı isyanlarına ilişkin yayınlarının “makul ölçüde tarafsız” olduğunu söylüyor.
Çin’in insan arama motoru Her ne kadar Çin’deki insan arama motoru hükümetin yolsuzluklarını ortaya çıkarmada kullanılsa da normal vatandaşları utandırmak için de kullanılabilir. Judith Bruhn yazıyor.
David Kirkpatrick: What is the Facebook Effect? The author of The Facebook Effect talks to FSD about privacy, anonymity whether the social network plans to go into China.
Storyful: vatandaş gazeteciliğini doğrulamak Storyful’un haber editörü Malachy Browne, sosyal medyada hizmet veren haber ajansının haber içeriklerini nasıl gerçek zamanlı olarak doğruladığını açıklıyor.
Adil olmayan bir dünyada ifade özgürlüğü için savaşmak İfade özgürlüğününün savunmasız vatandaşları güçlendirmekten ziyade marjinalize ettiği bir toplum, evrensel ifade özgürlüğüne dair ahlaki vizyonumuzun henüz gerçekleşmediği bir toplumdur. Jeff Howard yazıyor.
Al-Jazeera and the rise of citizen journalism Since the beginning of the Arab uprising, more than 70,000 videos have been uploaded to Al-Jazeera’s portal Sharek.
ACTA & the internet: freedom of expression & privacy Join Free Speech Debate and ARTICLE 19 in London on Thursday 3 May for a panel discussion on the impact of ACTA on global free expression
Should you have to reveal your real name on Facebook? Lord Allan of Facebook and author Viktor Mayer-Schönberger wrangle over the social networking site’s real name policy, its claim to transparency and its use of personal data.
World map of social networks The number of social networking sites around the world has fallen from 17 in June 2009 to six in December 2011, according to the latest Vincos map.
On Free Speech: China, India and the art of ‘Zuckering’ The second episode of FSD’s monthly podcast looks at free speech in India, internet censorship in China and Facebook’s attitude towards privacy.
Paolo Mancini: Will the internet transform Italian politics? Professor Paolo Mancini argues that while new technologies offer opportunities, they also lead to political and social polarisation.
Berlin Twitter Duvarı Çin Güvenlik Seddi’ne Karşı 2009’da Çinli yetkililer internet sansürüne son verilmesini isteyen tweet seliyle dolup taşınca, Çin’den Berlin Twitter Duvarı’na erişimi engellediler, diyor Judith Bruhn.
Türkiye’de YouTube Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin kurucusu Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’ü ve “Türklüğü” aşağılayan bazı videoları kaldırmadığı için YouTube üç yıl boyunca Türkiye’de yasaklandı. Funda Üstek ve İrem Kök yazıyor.
Artık hepimiz birer gazeteciyiz Son yıllarda halk gazeteciliği medya anlayışını tamamıyla değiştirdi. Lütfen siz de buraya önemli bulduğunuz halk gazeteciliği örneklerini ekleyiniz.
Çinli blog yazarı Han Han 300 milyonu aşkın okura sahip Han Han Çin’in en etkili internet şahsiyetleri arasında yer alıyor. Judith Bruhn onun blogunu bir vatandaşın zor koşullarda daha açık ve farklı bir medya oluşturma örneği olarak inceliyor.
Nobel Laureate Shirin Ebadi: Should insults to religious beliefs be criminalised? The Iranian lawyer and Nobel peace prize winner talks to Free Speech Debate about freedom of expression in Iran and whether insults to religious and non-religious beliefs should be criminalised.