Mürtetler (dinden dönen) idam edilmemeli fakat dine karşı hakaret suç sayılmalıdır, diyor İranlı din adamı Mohsen Kadivar.
Öncellikli olarak Kuran’ın ilkelerine dayalı ve peygamber geleneğine bağlı sünnetten oluşan İslamiyet ile İslam hukuku yani şeriat odaklı İslamiyet arasında bir fark olmalıdır. İlkinde dinde ifade özgürlüğü tanınmıştır. İkincisinde ise bu özgürlükler birçok sınırlandırma ile karşı karşıyadır.
1. Şeriatta ifade özgürlüğü ile ilgili sınırlamalar
Şeriat temelli İslamiyet’te mürtetler idam edilir. Dini değerlerin aşağılanması ya da alaya alınması da ölümle cezalandırılabilir. Bazı hukukçular neyin dini aşağılama ya da dinle dalga geçmek sayılacağı ve bunların nasıl cezalandırılması gerektiği kararını halka bırakır. Bu tip durumda Ta’zir gibi cezalar ve dini kurallara zorla uyma cezası ile dini yasaklardan sakınma cezası da uygulanabilir. Diğer din ve görüşlerin, hatta farklı İslami mezheplerin ve Müslüman düşünürlerin propagandasını yapmak zararlı görülebilir ve bundan ötürü cezalandırılabilir. Aynı şekilde kitap ya da diğer tür kültürel ürünleri basmak da böyle bir propaganda olarak görülebilir.
2. İslam’daki ifade özgürlüğünün temelleri
Öte yandan, İslam Kur’an değerlerine ile peygamber ve ailesinin sünnetine dayanan İslam aşağıda değerlere inanır:
a) İslam kendisini hakiki İlahi bir din olarak görse de, diğer dinlerin ve düşüncelerin çeşitliliğini ve çokluğunu kabul etmiştir, hatta dine küfretmeyi, çoktanrılılığı ve ateistliği de bu dünyanın bir gerçeği olarak görür. Bu yüzden de “neyin doğru neyin yanlış olduğu ancak kıyamet gününde anlaşılacaktır” der.
b) İnsanlar kendi inanç ve dinlerini seçmekte özgürdür. Hiç kimse hiçbir dini kabul etmeye ya da hiçbir dinden çıkmaya zorlanamaz.
c) Kimse bu dünyada herhangi bir dine inandığı için cezalandırılamaz. Suç bir haraketin sonucunda olur, bir inanç ya da imanın değil.
d) Kimse din değiştirdiği ya da İslam gibi bir dini terk ettiği için cezalanamaz. Mürtetler için idam gibi bu tarzı dünyevi bir ceza, İslam’ın temel değerlerine karşıdır.
e) Kimse İslam’ın şartlarını yerine getirmeye ve günah saydıklarından uzak durmaya zorlanamaz.
f) Dini değerleri eleştirmek özgür bir İslam anlayışının doğasında vardır. Bundan ötürü kimse bu dünyada ya da öbür dünyada cezaya tabii olamaz.
g) İslam dahil bir dini inanışı aşağılamak, küçük görmek, alay etmek yanlıştır. Bunu yapmak aynı zamanda inananın namusuna ve itibarına saygısızlıktır. Kuran göre tanrı ateist inançları aşağılamak da yasaklanmıştır.
III. Nefret söylemi olarak dini aşağılanması
Kişisel ve Siyasal Haklar Uluslararası Sözleşmesi’nin 20. Maddesi’ne göre ayrımcılığa, düşmanlığa ve şiddeti teşvik eden milli, ırksal ve dini nefret savunuculuğu yasayla yasaklanması gerekir. Dini değerleri aşağılamak ise inanları küçümsediği için nefret söylemi olarak değerlendirilip suç olarak sayılması gerekir. Bu suçu işleyenler sivil mahkemelerde jüri huzurunda yargılanmalıdır. Kuşkusuz bu suçların cezası idam değildir.
Nefret söyleminin kanun ile yasaklanması gerektiği konusunda uluslararası bir mutabakat vardır. Aynı zamanda bu yasaklar her türlü ifade özgürlüğü hakkını geçersiz kılacağı ya da ifade özgürlüğünü devre dışı bırakacağını belirtir. Gelişmiş ülkeler arasında yalnızca ABD’de nefret söylemi düzenlemesi ifade özgürlüğüyle bağdaşmaz. İngiltere’de ise birçok yazılı kanun bireyleri nefret söyleminden korur. Bu kanunlar nefret, tehdit, küfür içeren ve birini ya da bir dini aşağılayan söylemi yasaklar. Nefret söylemi para cezası, hapisle ve her ikisiyle birden cezalandırılabilir.
Saldırgan ateistler arasında, eleştiri bir yanda ve aşağılama, dalga geçme ve küçük görme bir yanda olmak üzere sınırların olmayışı, tutucu inanç sahiplerinin aşırı şiddetli çıkışlarına sebep oldu ve olmaya da devam edecek.
Makul bir dünyanın şartı insanlar arasında karşılıklı saygıda yatıyor. Dünya nüfusunun dörtte birinin inandığı inançları aşağılamak ve onlarla dalga geçmek, örneğin kutsal kitap ve peygamber, o dine mensup bazı tutucu inananların şiddet içeren aşırı tepkileriyle karşılaşma sonucunu göğüslemeden mümkün olmaz.
İnanç ve mürtetlik arasındaki çatışmayı engellemek için, eleştiri ve hakaret arasındaki sınırlar iyi çizilmelidir. Bu sınırlar yerel ve kültürel olgunluğa göre değişir. Az gelişmiş ülkelerde, eleştirilerin çoğu aşağılama, gelişmiş ülkelerde ise aşağılamalar eleştiri gibi algılanır. Bunun için bu sınırların çizilmesi ciddi bir saha araştırması ve teorik araştırma gerektirir. Fakat dinamik ve olgun bir dünyaya ancak dini değerlere ve ifade özgürlüğüne karşılıklı saygı ile ulaşılabilir.
Bir inananın kendi dini görüşlerini başkasına dayatmasına hakkı olmadığı gibi bir ateistin de kendi kişisel görüşlerini evrensel değermiş gibi dayatmaya hakkı yok. Her türlü şiddet, hakaret ve nefret söyleminin önlenmesi için İnsan Hakları Evrensel Beyannamesi’nin yanında Dini Değerlerin ve Din Dışı Değerlerin Sorumluluğu ve Görevi Evrensel Beyannamesi’ne ihtiyacımız var.
Tıpkı mürtetlerin cezalanması ve idam edilmesinin yasaklanması gerekiyorsa, ateistlerin ve inanç sahibi olmayanların dini aşağılamalarının ve dinle alay etmelerinin bir suç olarak kabul edilmesi gerekir. İnançlılar ve ateistlerin her iki tarafa da yarar sağlayacak eleştiri özgürlüğünü kabul etmelidirler. Karşılıklı saygıya dayalı, sağlıklı bir rekabet Müslümanlar ve diğer dinlere ve düşüncelere inananlar arasındaki en makul iletişim biçimi olacaktır.
3. Üç ilke
Aşağıda belirteceğim üç ilke, bir yanda “inancın kendisine değil, inanç sahibine” saygı duymanın ve öbür yanda, hem İslam inancı taşımanın hem de ifade özgürlüğünün koşullarındandır:
- Dini inançları eleştirebilme özgürlüğü
- Dini ve ateist inançları nefret söylemi diyerek aşağılamanın yasaklanması
- Mürtetlikle ilgili tüm cezaların, özellikle idamın, kaldırılması
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Mr Kadivar can pray for freedom to criticise religious beliefs, particularly those of Islam, until he’s blue in the face, but that will never happen in Islam. There are two reasons: there are more Muslims who take every single word in the Koran to be the pure truth than in any other religion. Secondly, Islam is a totalitarian (‘holistic’, as Muslims themselves like to say) religion that regulates every aspect of life. Since the Koran denounces unbelievers and Muslims, many of whom attend prayers five times a day, are taught a narrative of victimisation by their imams, i.e. that followers of other religions are out to get them, and also that there is only one true religion, i.e. the one that rules every aspect of their lives, it is highly unlikely that Muslims will ever be able to accept criticism of their religion.
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With all due respect sir, Muslims do not take every word in the Quran to be pure truth, that is why we have scholars who interpret the Quran, and try to keep it as relevant as possible. Also we do not deem every other religion to be a false one, it is not our position to say so. Besides, name me one religion that does not believe that it is the one true religion. At the end of the day, Muslims like myself do appreciate instructive criticism, but not blind hatefulness.
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“Surely we can ban non-Muslims from visiting selected cities, without people playing the ‘hate speech’ card.”
My question is why would anyone do that? Wouldn’t that be the same if you say “surely we can ban Muslims to go into selected states, without people playing the “hate speech” card?” or “Surely we can ban Muslims to work some selected job (or whatever selected) without people playing the “hate speech” card?” . For me freedom in its every form (in speech or something else) doesn’t have compromise. However there are obvious speeches of hate such are ones used by Hitler (I know this is most common used one) where you openly call for murdering, violence, ignorance and any other element which would contribute to misery and suffering of someone. Those speeches are usually without any proof or based on messed up ideologies or misused religious views… and sometimes insanity.
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The sole difference between free speech and hate speech is whether the person stating their ideals is trying to implement or force their ideologies on other.
Any religion Islam, Christianity or Hinduism are a set of beliefs that are followed often by the masses. They work perfectly fine when in a homogeneous environment but conflict when introduced and practiced in a diverse environment.
This is especially true for international cities and the Internet. There is always a clash of ideas and beliefs and thus conflict which could result in hatred.
Rather than changing how everyone thinks we should open up to other perspectives and try understand where the other person is coming from.
Free speech changes completely when the person speaking is trying to change the way you think and convince you that he/she is right regardless of everything else.
Therefore the sole line between hate speech and free speech is whether you are trying to state your point or trying to make others change theirs and follow yours.
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I think that the expression of religious criticism can be named as hate speech, however it depends on the perspective. As a person receiving the criticism of the religion they follow it would be considered hate speech, but in contrast, the individual delivering the criticism about a religion is freedom of expression. The expressing individual has all rights to deliver criticism, but in these days due to certain “criticisms” that we’ve encountered such as violence, an eye over criticizing religion should be emphasized. As an act of disrespecting a religion, such as burning the Qur’an in ground zero, leads to violent acts as the extremists have been angered. Therefor, society should be aware of the publicity they use when performing such a criticism as it can cause damage to the society that did not express their opinions. Perhaps free speech in reference to religious topics should be permitted to be expressed in areas where people share the same opinion, or inside their own walls in order to prevent violence
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It seems odd that a muslim cleric is proposing banning publication of the Quran. Regarding his three principles:
“2. The prohibition of insulting religious and atheistic beliefs as hate speech.”
If he reads the Quran, he will notice that it goes out of its way to insult unbelievers/atheists/polytheists – referring to the people themselves, as well as their beliefs. It also says that the perfect god has selected them to be tortured for eternity.
As you cannot have an omnipotent god that is not responsible for what happens in the universe, and you cannot have a perfect god whose actions should be disapproved of by its followers, then the only logical conclusion I can draw from that statement is that, from an Islamic perspective, unbelievers deserve to be tortured – and not just for a while, but forever.
If that isn’t hate speech, I don’t know what is.
The Bible would also be banned, as would quoting from many texts in the Bible, Quran and possibly others.
Half my extended family is muslim – I’m well aware of how unpleasant it is to be abused in the street by strangers. However, there are plenty of ways of dealing with this, without resorting to suppression of basic freedom.
You have an absolute right to hate me because of my religious or political affiliations, and to express that hatred. It is how you behave when expressing that hatred that should determine whether you are breaking the law or not.
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‘5) if you are muslim you cannot enter this place’
You mean if I stated that ‘Non-muslims cannot enter Mecca’, this would be counted as ‘hate speech’?
How on earth can that be hate speech? I find that incomprehensible.
Surely we can ban non-Muslims from visiting selected cities, without people playing the ‘hate speech’ card.
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in prior comment appeared a emoticon i didn’t put in !
In any case I apologize for that.
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I think that a “hate” speech is something like:
1) if you are muslim you are a bad guy
2) if you are muslim you are stupid
3) if you are muslim you deserve prison or death
4) if you are muslim you cannot have this job
5) if you are muslim you cannot enter this place
6) if you are muslim you cannot speech
These are expression of judgements for which religion (or other beliefs) is not relevant ( a man can bad or stupid regardless of religion), or simple denial of human rigths because of religious belief, or reputing having or not a beliefs make a man guilty of a crime ( not of a sin !), or discriminating (allowing or not allowing to do something ) because of beliefs.
These expressions should be allowed.
On the other side:
1) I think god doesn’t exists
2) I don’t think jesus christ ever existed
3) I think that on friday you can eat meat
4) I think women are badly treated (in a sociological sense ) by catholic church
5) I think that religious men shouldn’t run a country
6) I don’t think that religious schools should ave money from the governement
7) I think abortion should be permitted
8) I don’t think women should wear niqab
7) Religion is the opium of peoples
are expressions allowed, because we can discuss these themes on logical and\or empirical grounds tryng to persuade each other .
There a third category of expressions making fun of religious themes; the acceptability of this expressions varies
in western countries too; I think that would be wise to abstain from using these expressions for religions that are not the ours. It is not a freedom issue, it is a wisdom issue.
If we could agree on this , we had made a big progress.
(sorry for the bad english)
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By your definition of the criteria for hate speech, I believe that both the Bible and the Quran qualify on points 1 to 3, and possibly some of the others as well, in their description of those who do not believe in Islam or the god of the Old Testament.
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Although ‘hate speech’ brings upon society several problems I think the main concern in this topic is who draws the line between ‘hate speech’ and ‘freedom of speech’ this is because perceptions vary from cultures and religion. What some may consider hate speech others may simply take it as freedom of speech- their right to express their opinions.
Expressing opinions about other religious beliefs of course should not be punishable by execution if we abide by ‘Universal Human Rights’ and whether it can be considered a crime in the eyes of the law should take into consideration points such as:
– government actors promoting a ‘hate speech’ is the first concern due to the ability to influence masses.
– a ‘hate speech’ repeated by a group within a community- against a particular religion or belief- can become embedded within that group and violence towards people following a religion can become a normalised act.
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‘ According to the Qur’an, insulting atheistic beliefs is also prohibited’
May I ask where?
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Of the three points listed above, the second seems to be a deliberately vague caveat upon the first, and the third, which has nothing to do with the first two, shouldn’t even need to be stated.
The key line seems to me to be: “It is not possible to insult and ridicule the beliefs i.e. the holy book and the prophet, of one-fourth of the world population without having to bear the consequences of the violent and extremist reactions of some conservative adherents to that faith.” The implication is that the fault lies with those who mock, not with those who murder. I wonder if that rather pointed last sentence would be classed as criticism or insult?
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I don’t understand what you mean when you say “The implication is that the fault lies with those who mock, not with those who murder.”
I believe that freedom of speech should not be threatened by radicals from Islam or any other religion for that matter. By this phrase it seems as if you are stating freedom of speech is compromised by radicals and extremists, therefore, we should watch what we say.
Who gets to decide what for one person is a mere opinion for another person is an insult?
Different perceptions of opinions can cause misunderstanding between ‘hate speech’ and ‘freedom of speech’ Again, who draws the line between what is correct to say and considered your right to free speech and what should be condemn as ‘hate speech’?
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‘Just as the execution and punishment of an apostate should be annulled, the insult and mockery of religion by atheists and non-believers should be officially recognised as a crime. ‘
And what should be the punishment?
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‘ Though Islam considers itself the rightful divine religion, it has accepted the diversity and plurality of religions and thoughts, regardless of truth or false, even blasphemy, polytheism and atheism as a reality in this world. It has therefore left the qualification of their truthiness to be determined on the Day of Judgment.’
Really? Does Islam accept that child pornography is a reality in this world, and therefore left it alone until the Day of Judgement?
By the way, there will be no Day of Judgement. That is something somebody made up.
And I will say that until somebody produces evidence that it was not made up.
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What is ‘insulting religious beliefs’?
Why should be people be allowed to criticise political beliefs, but not religious beliefs?
If somebody believes that the Earth will end in May 2012, because a Holy Guru said it would unless he was given 5 million dollars, why are we not allowed to criticise such a belief as irrational?
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Sounds reasonable at first sight, but it’s easy to spot that sneaky “second principle” which is of course the point of the whole debate. Those with a totalitarian bent have no compunction about labelling any criticism of their behaviour as an “insult”. It is precisely this term that is used everywhere to stifle criticism and to whip up the fury of the baying mob. It is a weasel word which can be invoked at every opportunity to shut down discussion.
On the contrary, the right to mock or insult the ideas of others is a vital component of the right to freedom of expression.
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I do not understand the difference between free speech and hate speech. Is it that hate speech is free speech intended to generate hate in others? If so surely those who hear or read free speech have the right to accept or reject it. What is the point? I for instance reject the piss Christ but acknowledge the right of the artist and gallery to act as they have otherwise I would not truly believe in the freedom I advocate. On the other hand employees of the gallery where the work is or was have perhaps been wrongly denied their freedom. I do not know the answer to that.
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You look for the different evidence. In the hate speech case you have to prove that someone wish to use “speech” to start hate. And it happens. Can we hate people who are believers of some religion? It is absurd, but we can use “religion” to start hate.