Katkıda bulunanlara göre sırala 'REYNOLDS Graham' yazan 3 eklemeler menuAnahtar kelimeler aracılığıyla aramak için Academia (2)Access (17)Africa (6)Animal Rights (1)Anonymity (9)Arab Spring (5)Art (15)Article 19 (1)Atheism (1)Australia (4)Blasphemy (16)Blogger (5)Books (1)Brazil (4)Buddhism (2)Burma (2)Canada (3)Celebrity (5)Censorship (28)Charlie Hebdo (2)China (10)Christianity (13)Civility (33)Colonialism (1)Copyright (7)Corruption (3)Defamation (24)Democracy (20)Denialism (3)Denmark (2)Discrimination (9)Education (16)Egypt (3)Europe (4)Exclusion (1)Facebook (3)Film (1)France (6)Freedom (36)Gaza conflict (1)Genocide (3)Germany (9)Google (5)Governance (10)Hate speech (19)Hinduism (1)History (18)Homosexuality (5)Humour (3)Hungary (1)Hunger strike (1)India (11)Internet (43)Internet companies (1)Islam (21)Israel (1)Japan (2)Journalism (24)Kenya (2)Knowledge (26)Language (10)Latin America (6)Law (51)Lese majesty (1)Liberalism (13)Literature (6)Media (47)Memory laws (2)Middle East (8)Minorities (4)Money (13)Morality (8)Multiculturalism (10)National security (30)Net neutrality (12)Netherlands (3)New Zealand (1)Norway (1)Nudity (5)Occupy movement (1)Open source (2)Pakistan (4)Palestine (1)Piracy (2)Poland (3)Politics (54)Pornography (9)Power (56)Privacy (22)Protest (23)Public Morality (27)Race (1)Radio (2)Regulation (5)Religion (32)Reputation (19)Right to information (47)Russia (2)Satire (13)Saudi Arabia (1)Science (8)Scientology (1)Secrecy (1)Singapore (2)Social media (15)South Africa (5)Southeast Asia (2)Sport (1)Surveillance (2)Syria (1)Technology (20)Terrorism (6)Thailand (1)Turkey (11)Twitter (8)Ukraine (1)United Kingdom (11)United States (16)Violence (28)Whistleblowing (3)Wikileaks (1)Wikipedia (2)YouTube (1) The Copyright Alert System: coming to a home near you? The question of how best to respond to the unauthorised dissemination of copyright-protected expression over the internet has long troubled copyright owners. But the proposed solution of a Copyright Alert could potentially erode free speech, writes Graham Reynolds. Mapping edits to Wikipedia from Africa Egypt made more edits to Wikipedia than any other African country between 2010 and 2011, according to new research. ACTA: Gizlice karar alınan açık bir anlaşma? Tartışmalı Sahteciliğe Karşı Ticaret Anlaşması’nı (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement –ACTA) müzakere eden tarafların tartışmaları gizlilik içinde yürütmesi, halkın ifade özgürlüğüne getirilen sınırlandırmalara karşı çıkma kabiliyetini kısıtladı. Graham Reynolds yazıyor.
The Copyright Alert System: coming to a home near you? The question of how best to respond to the unauthorised dissemination of copyright-protected expression over the internet has long troubled copyright owners. But the proposed solution of a Copyright Alert could potentially erode free speech, writes Graham Reynolds.
Mapping edits to Wikipedia from Africa Egypt made more edits to Wikipedia than any other African country between 2010 and 2011, according to new research.
ACTA: Gizlice karar alınan açık bir anlaşma? Tartışmalı Sahteciliğe Karşı Ticaret Anlaşması’nı (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement –ACTA) müzakere eden tarafların tartışmaları gizlilik içinde yürütmesi, halkın ifade özgürlüğüne getirilen sınırlandırmalara karşı çıkma kabiliyetini kısıtladı. Graham Reynolds yazıyor.