
中東のメディアは同性愛問題について他のニュースと同じように報道しません。Brian Pellot

同性愛はメインストリームのアラブ報道機関が決まって避けるタブーな話題です。報道されることがあるとすれば、外国での現象として、又は西洋特有のいまわしい病気として同性愛を扱います。ジャーナリストのBrian Whitakerは2006年に出版した著書Unspeakable Love: Gay and Lesbian Life in the Middle East(口にはできない愛:中東におけるゲイとレズビアンの生活)の中でどのようにして中東のメディアが同性愛についての報道を自己規制するかを調査しています。




コメント (3)


  1. I believe that while all have an opinion, a story is a story no matter who the subject is. If the event is important it shouldn’t matter the sexuality of the people involved. It is a personal choice to simply omit this lifestyle, but it is 2012 and the world deserves to hear everything going on and recognize that gay people simply aren’t going to ‘disappear’ .

  2. Fated by oppressive regimes,religious leaders and their descendents,gay men stay out of view in the Middle East.In the Arabian World,most of places,homosexual sex remains illegal.Being homosexual is hard everywhere,but seems that in the Middle East or the homosexual is transparent or the men will be undergo to extreme punishments,where death is the only output.As Hussein Ibrahim pointed once , “Respect of human rights is now a concern for all peoples.”.Gay men shall no longer be afraid.Even though the Middle East tries to oppress their gay issue,it cannot be hidden forever.

  3. I was currently reading some interesting articles about homosexuality in the Gulf, which seems to have its own unique issues with sexual orientation. Particularly, this 2007 story from The Atlantic regarding homosexuality in Saudi Arabia – http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2007/05/the-kingdom-in-the-closet/5774/ – seemed interesting. While some of the Saudis quoted in the article claimed that it was easier to be homosexual in a place where you virtually cannot have any contact with those of the opposite sex, it seems so much more complicated than that. I just can’t imagine living a life in fear of persecution from family, friends AND the government… especially when the punishment for displaying affection can be the end of one’s life.



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