



2009年アメリカのフェミニスト団体Equality Nowは ゲームの発売禁止のためのロビー運動を開始し、同運動はイギリス、オーストラリアを含む複数の国の女性権利団体の支持を得ました。その後このゲームは女性 に対する暴力を描写していることを批判するメディア報道の対象となりました。発売開始から3年後、国際メディアの批判に対応する形で、日本国内の組織やメ ディアはロビー活動を開始しました。日本の小売店は自主的にゲームを撤去し、アダルトゲームの倫理審査を行う独立組織であるコンピューターソフトウェア倫理機構は性的暴力を含むコンピューターゲームの禁止を決定しました。


女性の非人間化から娯楽を生み出すことを唯一の理由に女性をレイプするこのレイプレイというゲームはおぞましいです。そのため、このゲームはそもそも生 産、販売されるべきではありませんでした。このようなゲームは法律で禁止されるべきでしょうか?このゲームの場合、独立監視団体が世間の圧力に応え、禁止 を決定しました。過度に制限的で敏速性のないことのある法律よりも、世の中の出来事を周知し、見聞を広く持つ活発な市民社会が娯楽の内容をコントロールす るほうが最善かもしれません。しかしながら、個人や集団への侵害を認識し解決することを、常に市民社会に任せておくことはできません。歴史はそれを如実に 現しています。個人的な意見を言うと、このケースにおいて法的制限が適当だったか判断するのは難しいです。

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コメント (2)


  1. The game should not have been published initially. RapeLay is discriminating towards women as it creates the interpretation that woman are a source of sexual entertainment. The game also establishes an attitude that raping women and forcing them to abort is tolerable. In real life, by committing such felony, one could be facing a sentence that could last from 20 years to a lifetime, however in the game, the protagonist committing the criminal offence does not receive any retribution. Having said that, if a game such as this one has been published, the government should take action and distinctly ban it. The manner in which this game is portraying abortion is highly disturbing as it comes across as entertainment to users. By allowing RapeLay to be played, a message to the future generations is being sent saying that violating women rights such as sexual abuse to be respectable.

  2. あなたのコメントは承認待ちです。

    That’s the most absurd and immoral game I have never heard before. It clearly induce people to do such crime. In our age, especially for children really affecting by video games. Therefore, video games which include violence and sexual immoral behaviours should be banned immediately. That’s no funny or entertainment this kind of games. It directly influence society as a harm way.

  3. あなたのコメントは承認待ちです。

    Author opinion is understandable if he has same opinion on virtual murder/war games. I personally believe no modern country should ban rape/murder/war games, or whatever most sickening games for you. Because most people can distinguish virtual world from real world. If some people cannot, it is problem of their mental health, not of games.

  4. あなたのコメントは承認待ちです。

    As a grown human being, it is really embarassing that most if not all the entertaining stuffs include some sort of violence. I am not saying that having some level of violence for bigger desire to enjoy such platform is bad but I am appalled by the fact that few game developers out there try to make games that express positive ideas rather than beating, shooting or killing. Furthermore, there are clear cases that these games become models of copycat crimes. I strongly think we should regulate such games like this.

  5. あなたのコメントは承認待ちです。

    Edino prav je, da so igro prepovedali! Kako se lahko sploh kdo spomni, da bi ustvaril igro, katere cilj je posiljevanje žensk?!

  6. あなたのコメントは承認待ちです。

    In this case, the game itself is encouraging the violation of basic human rights and dehumanizing two groups of people: women and children. I believe strongly in free speech and freedom of expression, but this game goes beyond those freedoms. It was designed for a specific population and it’s content promulgates hatred and violence toward a specific group.

  7. あなたのコメントは承認待ちです。

    There is not the kind of appropriate game for anybody, doesn’t matter how old is the people that is playing that .Games are supposed to be fun and make you feel good to be playing , they are not supposed to be like that .

  8. あなたのコメントは承認待ちです。

    A law would definitely have some negative outcomes and mixups, banning games that might be appropriate. This game particularly is gross to me. It should have never been created in the first place; what is stopping a disturbed teenager from trying to explore the reality instead of playing just a virtual representation of such a horrible act?

    • あなたのコメントは承認待ちです。

      What’s to stop a disturbed teenager from trying to explore the reality of murder instead of playing just a virtual representation of such a horrible act?

  9. あなたのコメントは承認待ちです。

    I agree with the author’s comment that the game should never have been produced. Rape can never be considered a game because of its violence. I think a legal ban is entirely appopriate.

    • Censorship by the government is prohibited by the Constitution.

      I don’t think a legal ban is better than regulation of the civil committee.



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