
飽くことを知らない性欲を持つ主婦を題材にしたオンライン漫画Savita Bhabhi禁止の決定を下したインド当局はメディアから批判を受けました。Maryam Omidiがこの決定は正しかったか考えます。


2009年インド当局は飽くことを知らない性欲を持つルーズな主婦を題材にしたオンライン漫画Savita Bhabhiへのアクセスをブロックしました。面白おかしくSavita Patelの性の冒険を追うこの漫画は月に六千万人以上の読者を獲得しましたが、インドのアンチポルノ法により禁止されました。

新聞に「Savitaを死なせるな」などのヘッドラインを掲げ、メディアはこの禁止に対して激しい批判を繰り広げました。このマンガのクリエーターの一人であるPuneet Agarwalはこう言いました。「SBを作る理由の一つはインドの女性にも性欲があるということを描くためです。インドは未だに性的に抑圧されている国であり、この国がその様な足鎖から自由になるには、まずインドの女性から始まるのだと思います。」


この漫画はソフトポルノにあたる画像を含んでいましたが、Savita Bhabhiの第一の目的は読者を性的に刺激することではなく、現代インド、得に特定の社会層にいる女性たちの持つ性的意識の変化についての論評でした。 これは他のタイプのポルノから一線を画するものです。更に、漫画であるため、作製過程で女性が危険にさらされる、あるいは搾取されることはなかったと言え るでしょう。しかしながら、私はこの理屈をすべてのポルノに当てはめるつもりはありません。

- Maryam Omidi


コメント (1)


  1. あなたのコメントは承認待ちです。

    as a woman comic artist, I am saddened that this kind of pornographic comics would be censored, sharing the same fate as live pornography. I do believe that it is the freedom of the artists to express themselves, and the problems and changes in society. I just looked up some of the comics pages and hope those pages represent well the comic as a whole and that the comments I am doing are not misplaced. We see a woman free with her body, who likes sex and knows how to use her body to get what she wants. But I also saw that the majority of the sexual scenes are mainly giving pleasure to man.
    What I conclude about it?
    In a sense it is a liberalization of the woman and her body. She controls it, enjoys it and in a way uses men to satisfy her desires.
    In an other way it traps her in the circle of having to pleasure man in any way, and that this is the way she will be able to go through life, get the social stands and works she wants and needs. She is trapped in a vicious circle that has been long set in our societies, that women should be pleasured in pleasuring men, and not by receiving direct pleasure themselves. Although I am commenting this particular case, this is valid for any pornography as the greater public is male and products serve consumers demand.
    For it to be censored? Well, I do not think it should. It opens our minds to other facets of women, as the fact that women can like sex without being automatically treated as a prostitute or underdog. Even though it is true that her pleasure passes through men first which is one of the bases of pornography, I do not think it should be censored at all or at least in the same way. In this case there are no live women usually forced into prostitution to produce this content. Here no one is hurt, except perhaps the men who read this comic and will now have to turn to some other, perhaps worse, “product” to alleviate their sexual desires and fantasies.

    • I’m a firm believer in the liberation of sexualities. I also believe that all sorts should be represented in the media, as long as no one was harmed and children weren’t exploited.

      Especially as this added something more than just pornographic images, I think it’s a shame that it was censored



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