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Citizens United: how the US Supreme Court struck down limits on corporate electioneering on the grounds of free speech Max Harris analyses the case and the applicability of US First Amendment rights to corporations.
Law restricting online speech struck down in India Max Harris examines a historic judgment by India’s Supreme Court and its lessons for other countries.
Should ‘revenge porn’ be illegal? Max Harris explains how Britain legislated against it and compares this with the position in other common law countries
US Supreme Court strikes down law creating ‘buffer zone’ around abortion clinics In the case of McCullen v Coakley, the US Supreme Court issued a landmark ruling about restrictions on speech around abortion clinics. Max Harris explains.
A landmark Canadian hate speech case: Her Majesty the Queen v Keegstra In 1990, the Supreme Court of Canada issued a famous ruling in a case involving a high school teacher and alleged anti-Semitism. Max Harris explains.
14 year-old’s Twitter prank leads to arrest in the Netherlands A prank by a 14 year-old Dutch girl on Twitter prompted both her arrest – and broader questions about free speech, as Max Harris discusses.
Eatock vs Bolt: un cas australien de discours de haine Max Harris explique comment le journaliste Andrew Bolt a enfreint la loi australienne portant sur la discrimination raciale avec son article sur les «aborigènes à la peau pâle».