فیلتر های مشارکت کننده 'RUHENSTROTH-BAUER Maximilian' چه کسی نوشته است 2 اعلانات menuجستجو موضوعی با کلمات کلیدی Academia (1)Access (10)Africa (4)Anonymity (6)Arab Spring (5)Art (8)Article 19 (1)Atheism (1)Australia (1)Blasphemy (7)Blogger (2)Brazil (2)Burma (1)Canada (2)Celebrity (2)Censorship (14)China (3)Christianity (7)Civility (15)Copyright (1)Corruption (1)Defamation (10)Democracy (12)Denialism (1)Denmark (1)Discrimination (6)Education (10)Egypt (2)Europe (3)Exclusion (1)Facebook (2)France (3)Freedom (24)Genocide (2)Germany (5)Google (4)Governance (7)Hate speech (8)Hinduism (1)History (9)Homosexuality (3)Humour (1)India (3)Internet (24)Internet companies (1)Islam (11)Japan (2)Journalism (11)Kenya (2)Knowledge (13)Language (2)Latin America (3)Law (20)Liberalism (8)Literature (2)Media (19)Memory laws (2)Middle East (7)Minorities (1)Money (2)Morality (5)Multiculturalism (5)National security (11)Net neutrality (9)Netherlands (2)Nudity (5)Pakistan (1)Poland (1)Politics (20)Pornography (4)Power (24)Privacy (12)Protest (8)Public Morality (14)Race (1)Radio (1)Regulation (3)Religion (17)Reputation (11)Right to information (19)Russia (2)Satire (5)Saudi Arabia (1)Science (2)Singapore (1)Social media (9)South Africa (2)Southeast Asia (1)Syria (1)Technology (9)Terrorism (2)Turkey (3)Twitter (5)United Kingdom (5)United States (8)Violence (11)Wikipedia (3) German legislation could hinder free flow of information Germany’s draft ancillary copyright bill would force news aggregators such as Google News to pay German publishing houses when linking to news items produced by their newspapers, writes Maximilian Ruhenstroth-Bauer. The right of reply in Germany Germany has a statutory right of reply in the media. Maximilian Ruhenstroth-Bauer explains a path to defending your reputation without going to court.
German legislation could hinder free flow of information Germany’s draft ancillary copyright bill would force news aggregators such as Google News to pay German publishing houses when linking to news items produced by their newspapers, writes Maximilian Ruhenstroth-Bauer.
The right of reply in Germany Germany has a statutory right of reply in the media. Maximilian Ruhenstroth-Bauer explains a path to defending your reputation without going to court.