Filtrar por categoría 'Multiculturalism' que contengan 52 posts menuEncuentra temas usando palabras claves Academia (2)Access (11)Africa (6)Anonymity (8)Antisemitism (3)Arab Spring (7)Art (13)Article 19 (2)Atheism (1)Australia (3)Blasphemy (8)Blogger (2)Brazil (3)Buddhism (2)Burma (3)Canada (3)Celebrity (3)Censorship (26)Charlie Hebdo (2)Child abuse (1)China (6)Christianity (9)Civility (23)Colonialism (1)Copyright (5)Corruption (2)Defamation (20)Democracy (18)Denialism (1)Denmark (2)Discrimination (5)Education (16)Egypt (3)Europe (4)Facebook (4)Film (1)Finland (1)France (7)Freedom (32)Gaza conflict (1)Genocide (6)Germany (5)Google (4)Governance (6)Hate speech (17)History (18)Homosexuality (3)Humour (2)Hunger strike (1)India (9)Internet (30)Islam (12)Israel (2)Japan (2)Journalism (17)Kenya (1)Knowledge (22)Language (6)Latin America (4)Law (44)Lese majesty (1)Liberalism (6)Libya (2)Literature (3)Media (34)Memory laws (3)Middle East (6)Minorities (2)Money (3)Morality (6)Multiculturalism (6)National security (26)Net neutrality (9)Netherlands (1)New Zealand (1)Norway (1)Nudity (4)Pakistan (1)Palestine (2)Philippines (1)Poland (2)Politics (36)Pornography (11)Power (39)Privacy (20)Propaganda (1)Protest (15)Public Morality (27)Race (1)Radio (2)Regulation (7)Religion (23)Reputation (13)Right to information (38)Russia (3)Rwanda (1)Satire (8)Science (6)Scientology (1)Secrecy (1)Singapore (1)Snowden (1)Social media (12)South Africa (4)Southeast Asia (2)Surveillance (2)Syria (1)Technology (21)Terrorism (2)Thailand (1)Tunisia (1)Turkey (2)Twitter (6)United Kingdom (15)United States (8)Violence (21)Whistleblowing (3)Wikipedia (3)YouTube (1) The importance of speaking Catalan Pere Vilanova reflects on his personal experience of learning his ‘native’ tongue – as a third language. Assessing the state of free speech in Norway University of Oslo professor Tore Slaatta describes a pioneering project to evaluate freedom of expression in a whole country. Why the US needs more open debate about its failures on race Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington must be the beginning of the discussion of race, not the end. Bassam Gergi discusses why the depoliticisation of race in the US is problematic and only open debate can lead to progress. ¿Puede el teatro hablar de esto? Una producción de teatro y danza aborda cuestiones como la libertad de expresión, el Islam y el multiculturalismo. Una entrevista de Maryam Omidi a Lloyd Newson, autor de la obra de teatro «¿Podemos hablar de esto?» What’s your beef with my freedom to eat it? Bans on eating beef and pork are contested in India. Manav Bhuhshan discusses why this is an issue of caste discrimination and can be seen as a restriction on freedom of expression. Elif Shafak habla sobre nuestra humanidad común La escritora turca de reconocido prestigio, Elif Shafak, habla de los límites de la libertad de expresión, el cosmopolitismo de sus novelas y el arte de la convivencia. Burbujas lingüísticas en Internet: ¿la última frontera? Scott A. Hale explora el papel de la lengua en la búsqueda y difusión de información en Internet. Fighting for free speech in an unjust world A society in which free speech marginalises, rather than empowers, vulnerable citizens is a society in which our moral vision of universal free speech has not actually been achieved, writes Jeff Howard. Why hate speech should not be banned Restrictions on hate speech are not a means of tackling bigotry but of rebranding often obnoxious ideas or arguments are immoral, argues writer Kenan Malik. La ética de los medios de comunicación y el juicio de Anders Behring Breivik El testimonio del asesino Anders Behring Breivik debería transmitirse en vivo para disuadir el extremismo, argumenta Anne Ardem, editora ejecutiva de la NRK, compañía de medios estatal noruega. The harms of hate speech legislation Hate speech legislation chills freedom of expression more than it protects vulnerable minorities. Free speech lawyer Ivan Hare takes issue with Jeremy Waldron. Los daños del discurso del odio Jeremy Waldron, profesor de teoría política y social en la Universidad de Oxford, argumenta a favor de la legislación contra el discurso del odio. El Islam entre la libertad de expresión y el discurso del odio La ejecución de apóstatas debe ser anulada pero insultar la religión debería ser reconocido como un crimen, escribe el clérigo Mohsen Kadivar. Kurdish in Turkey, Turkish in Bulgaria Kerem Öktem compares how the governments of Bulgaria and Turkey treat the language rights of their most important minorities. Living with difference What should and shouldn’t we be able to say about others? Let us know your opinions here.
The importance of speaking Catalan Pere Vilanova reflects on his personal experience of learning his ‘native’ tongue – as a third language.
Assessing the state of free speech in Norway University of Oslo professor Tore Slaatta describes a pioneering project to evaluate freedom of expression in a whole country.
Why the US needs more open debate about its failures on race Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington must be the beginning of the discussion of race, not the end. Bassam Gergi discusses why the depoliticisation of race in the US is problematic and only open debate can lead to progress.
¿Puede el teatro hablar de esto? Una producción de teatro y danza aborda cuestiones como la libertad de expresión, el Islam y el multiculturalismo. Una entrevista de Maryam Omidi a Lloyd Newson, autor de la obra de teatro «¿Podemos hablar de esto?»
What’s your beef with my freedom to eat it? Bans on eating beef and pork are contested in India. Manav Bhuhshan discusses why this is an issue of caste discrimination and can be seen as a restriction on freedom of expression.
Elif Shafak habla sobre nuestra humanidad común La escritora turca de reconocido prestigio, Elif Shafak, habla de los límites de la libertad de expresión, el cosmopolitismo de sus novelas y el arte de la convivencia.
Burbujas lingüísticas en Internet: ¿la última frontera? Scott A. Hale explora el papel de la lengua en la búsqueda y difusión de información en Internet.
Fighting for free speech in an unjust world A society in which free speech marginalises, rather than empowers, vulnerable citizens is a society in which our moral vision of universal free speech has not actually been achieved, writes Jeff Howard.
Why hate speech should not be banned Restrictions on hate speech are not a means of tackling bigotry but of rebranding often obnoxious ideas or arguments are immoral, argues writer Kenan Malik.
La ética de los medios de comunicación y el juicio de Anders Behring Breivik El testimonio del asesino Anders Behring Breivik debería transmitirse en vivo para disuadir el extremismo, argumenta Anne Ardem, editora ejecutiva de la NRK, compañía de medios estatal noruega.
The harms of hate speech legislation Hate speech legislation chills freedom of expression more than it protects vulnerable minorities. Free speech lawyer Ivan Hare takes issue with Jeremy Waldron.
Los daños del discurso del odio Jeremy Waldron, profesor de teoría política y social en la Universidad de Oxford, argumenta a favor de la legislación contra el discurso del odio.
El Islam entre la libertad de expresión y el discurso del odio La ejecución de apóstatas debe ser anulada pero insultar la religión debería ser reconocido como un crimen, escribe el clérigo Mohsen Kadivar.
Kurdish in Turkey, Turkish in Bulgaria Kerem Öktem compares how the governments of Bulgaria and Turkey treat the language rights of their most important minorities.
Living with difference What should and shouldn’t we be able to say about others? Let us know your opinions here.