La protesta de las Pussy Riot en una iglesia no fue más que disidencia políticav

Olga Shvarova analiza la actuación de la banda de punk Pussy Riot contra el régimen de Putin en una iglesia de Moscú ¿Fue dicha actuación “vandalismo de odio religioso” o una expresión artística de disidencia política?

El caso

El 21 de febrero de 2012, la banda femenina de punk Pussy Riot irrumpió en la catedral ortodoxa rusa del Cristo Redentor de Moscú para interpretar una canción frente al altar. La canción estaba inspirada en una oración a la Santísima Virgen e imploraba la destitución de Putin con la ayuda del poder divino. En marzo, tres integrantes de la banda fueron arrestadas con cargos de “vandalismo por motivos de odio religioso”, detenidas sin juicio previo, y a día de hoy se enfrentan a una pena de hasta siete años de prisión. Las tres cantantes fueron inculpadas oficialmente en julio de 2012, y su detención preventiva fue prorrogada por seis meses. Todas fueron reconocidas como presas políticas por Amnistía Internacional.

En Rusia, la opinión pública estaba dividida. El patriarca y máximo representante de la iglesia ortodoxa Rusa, Kirill, condenó a la banda por blasfemia, y el 42% de los moscovitas encuestados apoyó esta condena. Otras muchas personas, por el contrario, consideraron que se trataba de un delito menor y que la actuación de las autoridades había sido excesiva y arbitraria. Hubo también una carta pública solicitando la liberación inmediata de las integrantes de Pussy Riot, firmada por diversos representantes de las élites rusas, incluidos partidarios del presidente Putin y miembros de la oposición política. En agosto de 2012, las tres cantantes fueron condenadas a dos años de prisión.

Opinión del Autor

Al igual que Igor Sutyagin, sentenciado a 15 años de cárcel por un crimen que no cometió, estas mujeres tampoco han cometido los delitos que se les imputan. La letra de la canción no expresa odio por motivos religiosos, ni constituye una incitación al odio hacia ningún grupo religioso. Su actuación fue más bien una protesta política en forma de expresión artística que no debería haberse considerado delito en una sociedad democrática. Algunos moscovitas se sintieron muy molestos por la acción de las Pussy Riot, que calificaron de comportamiento antisocial, lo cual puede ser castigado con una multa o una pena de prisión de hasta 15 días. Pero por desgracia para las integrantes de la banda, el gobierno también se sintió ofendido. No obstante, sospecho que si la canción hubiera estado dirigida, por ejemplo, al líder de la oposición, las cantantes de Pussy Riot habrían sido castigadas con una multa y enviadas de vuelta a casa en 24 horas.

Hay otro aspecto en el caso de las Pussy Riot que vale la pena mencionar. La Iglesia ortodoxa rusa parecía avalar la actitud del gobierno contra la libertad de expresión y el duro castigo impuesto a las integrantes de la banda por su acción, que no era más que una manifestación política que no ofendía a la Iglesia, sino al presidente. Es cierto que la letra de la canción contenía una expresión blasfema sobre Dios, pero se trata de una palabrota vulgar que la gente suele usar a diario. En consecuencia, el intento de la Iglesia de recurrir a la blasfemia en este caso parece más una muestra de apoyo al régimen de Putin que una reacción ante un delito concreto contra la religión.

- Olga Shvarova

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  1. I agree with Malcolm that as far as the politics is concerned, the Pussy Riot case is just a tip of the iceberg and we may never find out about the real actors of that “big game”, or the real motives (although the Russian press did make an attempt). However, the case is significant by itself. It is probably the first time when the government openly supported the church and refused to consider the case as simple hooliganism, and the church reciprocated by banning anyone, its own members of the clergy included, who was showing any sympathy for the girls. In a way it shook the very principles of a secular state allowing the judge to base the charges on the references to the Ecumenical Councils and church practice, and to use deliberately “parochial” church language in order to explain the gravity of the crime. At the end of the day, the church won the game and among the most important results were the amendments to the Law on Education (which included mandatory teaching of religion and possibility for collective worship at state schools), and to the Criminal Code which introduced long prison sentences for blasphemy and desecration of the places of worship (although the last ones are still under consideration).

    • I cannot agree more with Malcom about the existence of a boomerang relationship between Russia and the West, which was demonstrated very clearly by Russia’s response to «Magnitsky list». But I also think that the Pussy Riot campaign had very significant implications, not only in political sense but in creating the adverse atmosphere for freedom of expression in the country in general. The long-term effects of the case could be unfavourable to the freedom of expression in cases when the expressed opinion may be interpreted as blasphemy. I expressed my point of view in detail it in the team blog – it would be most interesting to have your comments on it:

  2. Tu comentario está pendiente de moderación.

    I am a lobbyist/campaigner for a number of NGOs and activist organisations; one of which being Amnesty International UK. Amnesty has, at least in my humble opinion made a disproportional campaign effort regarding this campaign. However many such campaigns are disproportional, and from a number of organisations; particularly since 9/11 with these campaigns being fought one government against another in a tit for tat manner. Human rights campaigns are being used by state actors with surreptitious agendas as propaganda. The US and UK are highlighting the wrongdoing of: Russia, China, Iran and South American countries with governments with a socialist bias; whilst openly violating human rights themselves. Russia, China and Iran violate human rights and campaign against western counties; playing the same role in reverse. I believe these interrelationships between counties are very complex and in many instances there are ‘friend-enemies’ even where there is actual conflict. I don’t believe the «Pussy Riot» issue or human rights campaign has any real intrinsic value; those involved are puppets in a far bigger game they do not understand or even know of.

  3. I am struggling to find a sense in this article that a church is anything different to the road outside. The prison sentence was of course too harsh but would the author agree that the action of Pussy Riot was nevertheless, at minimum, anti-social behaviour or hooliganism? It is easy for celebrities to champion the band now that they have received an exaggerated sentence but what is the correct state response? Or are we just happy with the age of freedom also being an age of religious desecration?

    • I apologise for my naivety but when exactly did this «age of freedom» begin? Who exactly is free and to what extent? Seems like the majority are in the same position as ever, with cash replacing food and keep, unemployment and starvation replacing the whip.

    • I would disagree that Pussy Riot’s intention was to desecrate the Russian Orthodox religion itself. Rather, it was a criticism of the Church being intertwined with the state, and commanding a power which, in the age of freedom, is unfounded. However, I agree that the actions of Pussy Riot could be classified as ‘anti-social behaviour’; in any case their sentence was too harsh, and at most warranted a fine.

  4. Today Pussy Riot band members, Maria Alyokhina, 24, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, 22, and Yekaterina Samutsevich, 29, were convicted of hooliganism motivated by religious hatred, and sentenced to 2 years of penal colony. The were pro-Pussy Riot demonstrations in Moscow, Kiev, Paris, Belgrade, Berlin, Sofia, London, Dublin and Barcelona. The band had vocal support from politicians and celebrities, including Madonna and Paul McCartney, who spoken in defense of the principles of free speech. The critics of the band were also demonstrating in Moscow. One of them was quoted on the BBC News website, saying: «Shouting and screaming and spreading hate in Church is unacceptable and is contrary with Christian ethics.»

  5. The prosecution insists that the case is not political and demands 3 years of penal colony for Pussy Riot. The final hearing is scheduled next week, on 17th August.

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