Beiträge von 'RUSBRIDGER Alan' : 1 menuFinde Themen durch Schlagwortsuche Academia (2)Access (15)Africa (8)Animal Rights (1)Anonymity (8)Antisemitism (3)Arab Spring (5)Art (17)Article 19 (2)Atheism (2)Australia (5)Blasphemy (17)Blogger (5)Books (1)Brazil (3)Buddhism (2)Burma (2)Canada (3)Celebrity (5)Censorship (32)Charlie Hebdo (2)Child abuse (1)China (8)Christianity (14)Civility (38)Colonialism (1)Copyright (8)Corruption (2)Defamation (23)Democracy (24)Denialism (3)Denmark (3)Discrimination (9)Education (20)Egypt (3)Europe (4)Exclusion (1)Facebook (4)Film (1)Finland (1)France (9)Freedom (44)Gaza conflict (1)Genocide (5)Germany (9)Google (4)Governance (12)Hate speech (21)Hinduism (1)History (19)Homosexuality (5)Humour (2)Hungary (1)Hunger strike (1)India (11)Internet (41)Internet companies (1)Islam (21)Israel (2)Japan (2)Journalism (23)Kenya (2)Knowledge (29)Language (10)Latin America (5)Law (56)Lese majesty (1)Liberalism (14)Libya (1)Literature (5)Media (45)Memory laws (3)Middle East (8)Minorities (4)Money (12)Morality (9)Multiculturalism (10)National security (32)Net neutrality (12)Netherlands (2)New Zealand (1)Norway (1)Nudity (5)Occupy movement (1)Open source (2)Pakistan (3)Palestine (2)Piracy (2)Poland (3)Politics (55)Pornography (11)Power (55)Privacy (22)Protest (22)Public Morality (31)Race (1)Radio (2)Regulation (4)Religion (38)Reputation (18)Right to information (47)Russia (3)Rwanda (1)Satire (14)Saudi Arabia (1)Science (8)Scientology (1)Secrecy (1)Singapore (2)Snowden (1)Social media (14)South Africa (5)Southeast Asia (2)Sport (1)Surveillance (3)Syria (1)Technology (21)Terrorism (5)Thailand (1)Turkey (8)Twitter (8)United Kingdom (14)United States (16)Violence (29)Whistleblowing (4)Wikileaks (1)Wikipedia (3)YouTube (1) Who should guard the Guardian? Alan Rusbridger, editor-in-chief of the Guardian, argues that Britain needs both a free press and reform of its failed regulatory system. Since this will require both time and openness, a new independent press regulator should therefore be given a year’s trial run.
Who should guard the Guardian? Alan Rusbridger, editor-in-chief of the Guardian, argues that Britain needs both a free press and reform of its failed regulatory system. Since this will require both time and openness, a new independent press regulator should therefore be given a year’s trial run.