Im Jahr 2010 wurde die polnische Sängerin Doda der „Verletzung religiöser Gefühle“ angeklagt, aufgrund der Äußerung, dass sie eher an Dinosaurier glaube als an die biblische Schöpfungsgeschichte. Annabelle Chapman untersucht den Fall.
Der Fall
Im Jahr 2009 wurde ein Interview mit der polnischen Popsängerin Dorota Rabczewska, die allgemein als „Doda“ bekannt ist, in einer Onlinezeitung veröffentlicht. In diesem Interview gab die Sängerin an, dass sie eher an Dinosaurier glaube als an die Schöpfungsgeschichte in der Bibel. Dies erklärte sie damit, dass es ihr schwer fiele, “etwas zu glauben, das von Leuten geschrieben wurde, die zu viel Wein getrunken und Gras geraucht haben.“ Dodas Äußerungen führten zu einem Aufschrei in Polens vorwiegend katholischer Bevölkerung. Vorerst sah die Staatsanwaltschaft jedoch keinen Grund dafür, rechtliche Schritte gegen sie einzuleiten.
Dies änderte sich im April 2010, nachdem konservative Gruppen erhöhten Druck auf die Staatsanwaltschaft ausgeübt hatten. Doda wurde aufgrund „Verletzung religiöser Gefühle durch die öffentliche Verleumdung eines religiösen Objekts oder Orts“ (in diesem Fall der Bibel) nach Artikel 196 des polnischen Strafgesetzbuchs angeklagt. Zwei Bibelforscher und ein Sprachexperte prüfen nun, ob Dodas Äußerungen wirklich religiöse Gefühle verletzt haben. Der Prozess läuft noch. Falls Doda für schuldig befunden wird, so drohen ihr eine Haftstrafe von bis zu zwei Jahren.
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The problem is much more complicated than described in case text. Doda’s reputation is well known in Poland, as she became famous for having an intercourse shown on TV (in bigbrother-like show called Bar) since then her career went on two ways: one widely promoted pop star, other a controversial celebrity.
The worth notifying moment of her career was engagement with frontman of black metal band. The mentioned Doda’s act took place after that – at the time of Doda being promoted in public media (which are under constant attack of both main sides of political scene in Poland and after each parliament elections are usually the first place of changes).
The Doda’s sue was just one of actions as crime notification (first step of lawsuit process) was sent by people associated with ultracatholic movement which also is a social fundament of second strongest party in Poland and biggest political opposition.
Obviously Doda should have been rather sued under the civil law than criminal.
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I can tell what priests are saying in Poland in public, that Church is holy. This a begging and the end of any discussion. Lets not think about what Vatican or Church thinks because it will lead us nowhere and instead enforce respect for non-believers (thinkers).
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If the CAtholic Church of Polaand deems that the singer maligned or questioned any story in the Bible, do they, the Church, not have faith in the Truth of its text? Why should the Truth be afraid or offended? But it appears rather that the Church is fearful that it is Doda who has the truth on her side. Of course the story of the creation of Adam and Eve is a fairy tale. But it is very poetic, and should be accepted and read as such. Has the Church ever explained why a rib?
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I cannot see that such a factual statement should cause dismay, even among Christians. That dinosaurs existed is a fact of nature. The story of the creation of the universe as narrated in Genesis is open. The story of the creation of Adam and Eve is laughable nonsense. And similarly the stigma attached to every subsequent human being born by the supposed ‚original sin‘ is a disgrace and an affront to human intelligence. The Church has come to accept that the Earth goes round the sun, and that man is not the special creation of God. When is it going to accept that the supposed Holy Ghost is a myth?
On the other hand, when Doda says: “It is hard to believe in something written by people who drank too much wine and smoked herbal cigarettes” , I counter by saying that that is no reason, or a test, for not believing what they say.
One of the main problems of free speech is posed by people who deliberately set out to offend and provoke others by their views. An honest expression of one’s views should always be met by an equally honest expression of opposite views.
Is the Church afraid that its Truth will turn out to be not the Truth?
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The case is very simple. There should be no law against „religious feelings“. This „law“ is a manipulation of a fact that there are no rational reasons to defend religious symbols. This platform can be a great tool to check where in Europe we have such absurd laws and advocate to rule them out as quickly as possible.
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The main problem, Perogrullo dixit, is zero tolerance. The main solution, in this, as in other similar cases, will be, to teach non religiuos ethics during the first school years. My ideas is as good as impossible.
Arnoldo Kraus, Mexico
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I don’t understand what you say. The religious people should be educated in ethics because they prosecute atheists and free thinkers and often kill them.