
Clementine de Montjoye 写到,法国总统尼古拉•萨科奇建议颁布一项法律对那些支持恐怖主义暴力的网站的读者给予惩罚。

2012年3月15日,Mohammed Merah枪杀了两名法国士兵,使第三名士兵处于昏迷状态。几天之后,3月19日,Merah攻击了图卢兹的一所犹太人学校,向一名教师和三名儿童盲目扫射。据调查显示,Merah经常登录(伊斯兰圣战)吉哈德网站做咨询,并两次赴巴基斯坦,这引起了法国情报部门的怀疑。2012年3月22日,面对这一攻击的后果,法国总统尼古拉·萨科奇宣布,他打算实施更加严厉的反恐措施。这些措施包括一项法律议案,谴责那些经常登录恐怖主义暴力网站的互联网用户。受 2007年惩罚儿童色情网站用户法律的启发,萨科奇宣称,这是犯罪行为,将允许对嫌疑人实行迅速逮捕,无需等待确凿证据。他坚称,如果在之前就实施了这一法律,Merah的行动早就被制止了。无国界记者组织强调,这一措施的潜在风险是限制了自由获取信息的权力,并要求萨科奇对强行实施这一法律的措施作出更具体的说明。


评论 (7)


  1. It seems to me that Sarkozy’s proposal is too much of a drastic measure. I do understand that such a law could avoid future terrorists acts but it is also true that governments always have their own personal agendas other than doing whats for the greater good.
    but as mentioned above the government could simply shut down the sites that preach violence or terrorism.
    What we have to keep in mind when voting for or against these drastic laws is that they could always be counter productive, like the government having too much control and the very essence of ‘freedom of speech’ dissolving into thin air.
    Imagine the same situation in a religious society: Governments threatening to jail and punishing people for watching internet pornography. Wouldn’t that result in a public outcry although the religious people would celebrate such a law.
    In my personal opinion there are many other things that could be done other than punishing people for visiting websites. And other governments are actually taking very strict measures other than just tracking down our browser history.

  2. io credo che seppure limitando la privacy individuale sia una buona mossa, insomma perchè qualcuno dovrebbe guardare certi siti se non interessato? o comunque guardali frequentemente? credo che se per il bene collettivo si possa rinunciare a qualche libertà.

  3. btw do I need to write on english? It seems google translate aint working atm or, it cant translate what I wrote? :s

    • Hi Durex, the idea is that you use the Google translate button to translate other people’s comments rather than your own. Please write in whatever language you feel most comfortable.

  4. Pozdrav,

    Ovako ima par stvari koje bih rekao u vezi ovog;

    I) Sa nekog mog gledalista na ovakve stvari, stvarno kaznjavati ljude koji posecuju ekstremiticke sajtove je malo suludo, jedan od razloga je zato sto pola ljudi ni ne shvataju gde ulaze ( jer koliko god mi mislili da je svaka osoba oko nas kompijuterski skolovana grdno se varamo, jer statistika govori drugacije) , a drugo je zato sto su ljudi koji znaju gde su usli radoznali, zele da znaju nesto vise o tome, i onda naravno udju na sajtove tog tipa

    II) Treba kaznjavati, zasto? pa to moze dati ideju nekim ljudima koji su patriote, i misle da treba da brane drzavu od (nepostojecih) neprijatelja, i to stvara velike probleme, jer takvih ljudi je sve vise.

    Zakljucak moj bi bio da ne treba kaznjavati te ljude sto posecuju, ali treba oformiti tim programera koji ce pratiti takve sajtove i odma ih rusiti!

    Srdacan pozdrav!

  5. That’s right my friend but for me it’s strange to punish someone who is watching those websites… If you ask me, those sites should be shutted down!

  6. I find the notion of flagging content as unlawful or suspicious highly offensive. Even if the law defines explicitly what websites could be considered violent or terrorist activity it sends the message that the government is able to suppress or outlaw information and expressions it disagrees with. Today it could be a terrorist or pedophile website, in 20 years it could be anything.




