
2011年,非洲新国民大会青年联盟(ANC Youth League)主席Julius Malema四次在南非唱响斗争时代歌曲dubula amabhunu(射杀布尔人),还要一次在津巴布韦的公众活动上。《射杀布尔人》的这段音乐最早由Peter Mokoba在1993年在开普敦纪念南非共产党领袖Chris Hani时唱出。Hani是遭右翼白人杀害,杀手企图以此阻止对种族隔离的终止。



评论 (1)


  1. I do not agree with the author that the judgment means “should ANC members gather at a party and reminisce about old times […], they would be in contempt of court”. We have to bear in mind that the song is being used by Julius Malema at political rallies to mobilise listeners, so the setting matters for understanding the judgment.

    Also, the words of what are being said are important to the case. The author draws an equivalence with calling Christians “bigots” but that is not the same as saying “shoot the Christians” as the latter would be a direct call to violence which has the potential to be misunderstood at a political rally, even if the speaker only intended listeners to shoot Christians in a philosophical manner…

    I am sure that if white politicians were singing “shoot the Bantus” at political rallies, the author would not be so dismissing of an ubuntu jurisprudence that calls for social solidarity.




