

インターネットの到来以前には考えられなかったような形で、昨今市民ジャーナリズムはメディアの展望を変えました。ほんの数例を挙げれば、韓国で市民ジャーナリストの記事のみでほとんど成り立っているOhmyNewsの目を見張る成功、Wael Ghonimによって作成されたフェイスブック上にあるWe are all Khaled Saidのページが、エジプト国民の抗議運動のきっかけを作り、ホスニー・ムバラク前大統領の失脚につながった例、米国のDrudge Report、中国のブロガーであるHan Han、Alexei Navalnyのように高位高官の汚職を暴露するロシア人ブロガーなどです。なぜ「私たちは創造する」と銘打つこのリストに属するかの説明書きを添えて、あなたの知っている良い例をここで挙げてください。


コメント (2)


  1. あなたのコメントは承認待ちです。

    Da, mislim da je gradjansko novinarstvo potrebno i korisno. Kao i u svakoj vrsti zurnalizma, i tu je problem filtracija, odnosno razdvojiti bitno od nebitnog, novinarski clanak od zvrljanja i licnog misljenja. Profesionalizam novinarstva se najpre ogleda u objektivnosti i realnosti. Meni se cini da je sve manje novinarstva, a sve vise licnih stavova. Dobar clanak ne daje misljenje, nego informise. On otvara temu i diskusiju. Mediji su mocno oruzje za kojim se povodi vecina, i jedan novinar mora imati potrebnu dozu odgovornosti.

  2. The importance of the role of citizen journalism is strongly correlated with increasingly oppressive governmental regimes. As the other commenters mentioned, it is most important in regions where traditional reporting is highly controlled and censored. Once a country is past the stage of government censorship however, a lot of citizen journalism ends up being trite, inane, and highly diluted.

  3. あなたのコメントは承認待ちです。

    A significant role of new media is giving the power back to the people. In 2011 when Libya started a revolution over Twitter, the world witnessed one man make difference. Countries like Egypt and Tunisia are following a similar path in promoting change over social media. Self-expression over a widely accessible medium can impact the path of development as driven by a single individual.

  4. Charls Chater is an example of the US blogger living in Balkan and writing about his experience. Thanks to his blog, there is a lot of help and potential investment coming to Balkan. More importantly, Mr Chater is presenting the culture and traditions thus removing the prejudice that people have about Balkan and Serbia in particular.



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