
2012年3月、自らを狂信的イスラム擁護派と呼ぶMohammed Merahはフランスで7人を殺害する前に自らの胸にカメラを装着しました。Al-Jazeeraテレビ局はこの映像を放映しない決定をしたとJeff Howardが伝えます。

2012年3月11日から19日の間、自らを狂信的イスラム擁護派(ジハーディスト)と呼ぶアルジェリア系フランス人Mohammed Merahが、モンタバンとトゥルーズでフランス人軍人とユダヤ系児童を襲撃し、7人を殺害、5人を負傷させました。長引く立ち往生の末3月22日、パレスチナの子供たちのための復讐、そしてイスラム教徒に対するフランスの参戦への反対を主張するMerahをフランス警察は殺しました。Merahはアルカイダの一員だと公言していましたが、実際にテロ組織と関係があったかは未だに定かではありません。タリバンのパキスタン支部が彼を訓練したと最近主張しました



コメント (2)


  1. To the author opinion, it is patently wrong to describe murder as “objectively offensive”. One need only look as far as the glorification of violence in nearly all commercial media to see this. It is not only depictions of it that are popular; real life footage is hungrily devoured by voyeuristic viewers as well. For example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UsA9VtQ_uLg

    The video has over 1,000,000 views, and an overwhelming “like” ratio. Why is it allowed? Is it because the victims are little white blobs? Is it because we cannot see their faces? They are the “bad guys” getting “what they deserve”?

    This, to me, is far more disrespectful of identity and individualism than broadcasting murders. Picking and choosing which individual deserves respect undermines the entire argument to an extreme degree.

    Perhaps the video related to the case study should not be aired on public television. Perhaps it should not be made available. But the reasoning behind this is inherently hypocritical, and disgusting at that.

  2. From my personal point of view, i think that the omision of the footage was a totally right decision.
    First of all i am totally agree about citizens getting freedom of speech and the most accurate information possible about anything that is relevant to anybody. But on the other hand, i think that the murder has been cover very good, as all the details have been explain. Furthermore, the information about the arrest and death of the terrorist has been covered very accuretaly.
    Why i am against the diffusion of the video? First of all, most of the victims are kids, by this i mean that they are underage, therefore under the responsability of the parents. And which mother/father wants to recreate and live again the death of their kid? I think that it is not necessary and image or sound in this case. With some written information is enough.
    Secondly, i think that the video could be a source of “Inspiration” for other terrorist attacks, and therefore i think we don’t need to do more publicity about the terrorist attack. Because everybody knows that positive/negative publicity is the best way to get known and increase the followers.
    Finally, i think that besides those ideas, in order to respect the victims, it should be somehting private, for respecting their privacy and honor.
    In conclusion, it was an excellent idea to ban the video, and i don’t see that the political pressure was something negative, at this moment i think it was an act showing respect for the victims. Sometimes is better to avoid information, because it is not going to add more details, but just some macabracy.



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