What is privacy?

All known human cultures have had some notion of privacy, but what is seen as private has varied enormously with time and place.

All known human cultures have had some notion of privacy, but what is seen as private has varied enormously with time and place. What does privacy mean in your country?

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Comments (3)

Automated machine translations are provided by Google Translate. They should give you a rough idea of what the contributor has said, but cannot be relied on to give an accurate, nuanced translation. Please read them with this in mind.

  1. From my point of view, the right of privacy must be enshrined and protected by law and public authorities, as one of the fundamental human rights. As a consequence, the exceptions to this rule have to be very limited (for instance, in case of criminal offences, including terrorism acts, etc; public servants concerning their private activities which could make them ‘vulnerable’ in relation to their public activities, etc), and under a very strict, legal and transparent control of domestic and internation bodies.
    On the other hand, neither the law, nor the authorities can’t protect those people who waive to this right by their informed consent, and upload information on websites without any self-control, or use email adresses provided by their employers, in likely controversial goals.

  2. Privacy is crucial. however, before discussion privacy in my own country, i have a concern about privacy in the global context. Nowadays, employers email and online activity are being “controlled” by the employers. doesn’t that harasses the privacy? and more importantly breaks the trust? and trust is key for productivity.

  3. Oduvek je u ljudima postojala ta niska strast,poriv i zelja za zadiranjem u tudje zivote i intimu. Narod ima potrebu da bude upucen u sve,voli da saznaje intrige prikupljanjem podataka i praćenjem pojedinaca koji su javnosti (ili njima licno) interesantni. Samo,nikada kao danas to praćenje nije bilo jednostavnije. Sa malo znanja a bez imalo poteskoca,danas se uz pomoc napredne tehnologije,Facebooka,informativnih mreza i raznih drugih izvora informacija dolazi do vrlo intimnih i privatnih saznanja.
    Ta vrsta patoloskog ponasanja nazalost je slabost vecine ljudi,a glavni uzrok su medjuljudski odnosi,nepoverenje,sistem po kojem ovaj svet funkcionise,kao i licne nesigurnosti,a i visak slobodnog vremena u kombinaciji sa lakocom dolaska do tih informacija.
    Ono sto najvise zabrinjava u vezi sa ovom temom je cinjenica da ce u buducnosti situacija biti sve gora.
    Privatnost je postala maltene nedostizna.
    Zastrasujuce je saznanje da je nasa intima,bili mi toga svesni ili ne,onome kome pozeli da se zasladi,posluzena na tacni.

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