Free Speech Bites

Nigel Warburton spoke with Timothy Garton Ash for Index on Censorship’s Free Speech Bites about the Free Speech Debate Project and global free speech standards.


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  1. “I’m not sure what you mean. Could you explain please?”

    With all honesty John
    in regard to your song, Imagine.
    Your thoughts were not that far wrong.
    ‘Though our problem was the inverse, all along.

    Those renditions of reality
    we compose and sing,
    may be chorused by many
    as the real thing.
    Yet underneath, there’s life’s backbeat.
    To which we are no more than busking.

    Science and religions might fight and/or fuss.
    Their claims to know all, absurd, ridiculous.
    For our kind to survive, we will need to discuss the query:
    Where would they be without us?
    Absa-tivly, poso-lutely no-place.
    Undeniably, inarguably, inexistent.

    Our lyrics may sound different,
    but I hope we shall agree.
    They are the A,G,T and C of humanity.
    Devised interpretations on Life’s single symphony.

    One world is where we’re going,
    without the force and fear.
    Imaginings shed on the way,
    ‘though not a single tear.
    For none need now imagine
    how we get to there from here

    Nations are creations,
    that often fight and fuss.
    They brag of right and justice,
    in terms quite nebulous.
    If they seek continuity,
    they really must discuss the premise:
    There is no them, just us.
    Cooperatively, considerately, homogeneous.
    Understandingly, overwhelmingly, coexistent.

    So, how are we to do this?
    I seem to hear you ask.
    Yet even without help
    you’ve found the right tool for the task.
    The answer’s in the questions, when truth’s hidden by a mask.

    Not one has every answer,
    to freely give you back.
    So, how is it they know so much
    about those bits they lack?
    Just pose some questions of your own.
    You’ll soon perfect the knack.

    We act like smaller creatures,
    with frequent fights and fuss.
    And boasts of knowing lots and lots.
    Childlike, preposterous.
    We have communication.
    We really should discuss this posit:
    There are dreams, reality, then us.
    Illusive, ambiguous, ubiq.
    Inconclusive, contradictory, oblique.
    Since every imagination is unique.
    Oh! And did I mention, incomplete?

  2. I don’t understand the principles of FREE SPEECH BITES. so kindly me 🙂

    • Hi Zoya, I’m not sure what you mean. Could you explain please?

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Free Speech Debate is a research project of the Dahrendorf Programme for the Study of Freedom at St Antony's College in the University of Oxford.

The University of Oxford